Bullfest 2024 is almost here as organizers prepare an action-packed bull riding event on May 4 at the Saint Jo Rodeo Arena.This is the 19th annual...
Bowie Independent School District Trustees accepted the recommendations for professional educator contracts with a few on hold as they await certification, as well as some staff...
The springtime tradition of Cruisin’ Nocona on May 3-4 with lots of family fun activities. This is the 11th annual event.Enjoy the popular Poker Cruise on...
The May 8 deadline is almost here for the 2024 Keepsake Graduation section produced by The Bowie News. It is the only section where you will...
This weekend find the deals in the City of Bowie Community-wide garage sales April 26-27.See the map of a garage sale locations in Bowie in the...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comThe big take-away from Tuesday’s Bowie Business Boost was time: “It only takes six seconds to make an impression in life.”Lorie Vincent, certified economic...
Enjoy an all-you-can-eat breakfast and support the Bowie Senior Citizens Meals on Wheels program on April 27.Serving will be 7:30 to 10 a.m. in the center...
The May 8 deadline is almost here for the 2024 Keepsake Graduation section produced by The Bowie News. It is the only section where you will...
After practice and try-outs, the inaugural team of Bowie High School Steppers was selected this past week and the squad will get to work with a...
Spring has sprung and it is time to nominate top yards from your neighborhood to be considered for The Bowie News Yard of the Month.The first...