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11 Tricks for Growing Your Hair Really, Really Long



By Nicole Catanese

1. Remember that it can’t grow overnight.

Unless your scalp unleashes new strands like a Chia Pet, gaining new length is going to take time. “Hair typically only grows about a quarter of an inch — to a half an inch max — a month,” says celebrity hair stylist Mark Townsend, who helped Ashley Olsen grow out her asymmetric bob to past her waist. “And that’s only if it is super-healthy and doesn’t have a ton of split ends.” The bottom line: practice patience.

 2. Ironically, a scissor is your friend.

Although getting regular trims to snip splits won’t make your hair actually grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. “If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims,” Townsend says, who suggests asking your stylist to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start.

3. Use conditioner every time you shampoo.

“If your hair is wet, that means you have to condition it,” Townsend says. “Over time, from coloring and heat styling, strands start to get thinner at the bottom.” Conditioner helps replace the lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft, “as well as seal the cuticle to help prevent more damage from happening so that you can get your hair to grow longer and look healthier,” he says.

4. And don’t shampoo every time you shower.

“It’s shocking to me how many women skip conditioner when showering, which is the worst thing you can do for your hair — especially when you’re trying to grow it long — and it’s actually shampoo that you should be skipping as much as possible,” Townsend says. Here’s why: The purpose of shampoo is to wash away dirt and product buildup, but it can also take essential natural oils that keep strands soft and healthy along with it. When you really do need shampoo, be gentler on your hair by only lathering up at your scalp and then simply letting the suds slide down strands, hitting the rest of the hair as the water rinses it away.

5. Apply an oil or mask treatment weekly.

Because hair that touches your shoulders or beyond can be several years old and most likely needs more TLC than normal conditioner. Townsend suggests using moisture-based masks and oils weekly. “I make a natural oil treatment and give it to all of my clients to use pre-shampoo,” Townsend says. (His easy recipe: 1 cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with 1 tablespoon each of almond, macadamia and jojoba oil.) Because oils can leave a residue on hair, he says to apply it to damp hair, leave it on for 10 minutes, then shampoo and condition like normal. “These oils are able to fill strands up with fatty acids and then, when rinsed out, using regular shampoo helps seal them inside hair,” Townsend says, adding that Kate Bosworth, Diane Kruger, and Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen are fans. Not into DIY? Try an oil-based hair treatment instead.

6. Consider trying hair-boosting supplements.

Your body requires many vital nutrients to create new hair, from ample protein to a slew of essential minerals. So take a look at your diet — because while eating a balanced diet helps, you may not be getting the proper amount of all the hair-building nutrients needed to create healthy hair that can grow super-long and withstand damage. “I take Viviscal Extra Strength and biotin tablets every day and tell my clients to do so as well — especially if they want to grow their hair and make it healthier as soon as it comes out of the follicle,” Townsend says. Before starting to take supplements, it’s best to check in with your doctor to make sure not only that you take the right amounts and that they won’t interact with any medications you’re currently taking.

7. Brush your hair like it’s spun from gold.

Constant brushing can cause physical harm to your hair. “When you detangle wet hair, be sure to start from the bottom and work your way up — we often instinctually go from the scalp down but that just brings small tangles into one large knot and can cause you to lose a lot of hair,” Townsend explains. He also suggests reaching for the Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush, as boar bristle brushes are good at distributing your scalp’s natural oils down your hair and being extra-gentle on strands too.

8. Ditch your cotton pillowcase.

Townsend recommends switching to a sateen fabric such as Calvin Klein Sateen White Sheeting because it has a softer surface that won’t cause friction the way that regularly woven cotton does with your hair, so you’ll wake up with fewer tangles.

9. Never, ever wrap your hair in a massive towel again.

What could be so bad about putting hair in your super soft bath towel? A lot. “It causes so much breakage,” Townsend says. “Your hair gets caught in all the woven fibers and since most women almost always wrap it too tight around their face, all those tiny, fragile strands around your face are more prone to break.” Opt for the super-thin and soft microfiber hair towels instead (like Aquis microfiber hair towel), which are totally OK to wrap into a turban.

10. Switch up your pony placement.

It’s an easy move that can help maintain the integrity of your strands wherever you tend to secure your ponytail all the time, which means they’ll continue to grow out strong and damage-free.

11. Do a cold-water rinse at the end of each shower.

“This really does help to grow hair and keep long hair healthy for longer,” Townsend says. “Cold water lays down the outer layer of hair more smoothly, which helps prevent moisture loss, snags and heat damage — you only need to do it for a few seconds, but this one extra step over time can make a huge difference.”

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Police, sheriff investigate one possible suicide threat and one man who allegedly assaulted woman in a car



Montague County law enforcement and Bowie Police attended to a pair of separate incidents that prompted a delay in dismissing the local school campuses by about 15 minutes or more Monday.

Bowie Police Chief Guy Green reported about 4:45 p.m. Monday the bare basics of the incidents as the investigation is only in its preliminary stage.

Incident one involved information from the county sheriff’s office about a man who was allegedly making threats of suicide and had a gun. Green said the man has children in local schools and there were concerns in case he came to school. The sheriff’s staff was able to find him out in the county and talk with him. He was unharmed and additional details will come later.

Incident two the chief said involved a middle-aged lady who was driving in the area of Farm-to-Market 1125 and Rock Hill Road when she was flagged down by a man who needed a ride. She stopped and picked him up, but once inside he reportedly began threatening her to drive or he would kill her. Green said based on the basic info he had at 4:45 p.m. Monday the male subject began hitting the female driver assaulting her.

“She was able to stop the car and when she did, he jumped out running toward the area near Murphy Express and Walmart. Officers were already over at the high school which had been locked down and some of them went to that area to search. Deputy Chase Pelton brought over K9 Ace and he was deployed to track down the suspect. K9 Ace and Pelton captured and placed him into custody without further incident,” said the chief.

Bowie Police and the sheriff’s office expect to provide additional information tomorrow as they talk further with the suspects and witnesses.

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County Judge says mask exemption is ended



Montague County Judge Kevin Benton reported Saturday morning he has found after talking with the local health authority and state health service officials the state is tracking 35 active COVID-19 cases in the county and there are likely some additional cases on on the list. This increase from Oct. 14 when the mask exemption was announced, now cancels the exemption. The Texas Department of Health is investigating probable origins of this increase in positive cases. Citizens are encouraged to follow the governor’s order urging face coverings in public locations.

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Burglars hit Montague store



Ultimate Stop in Montague was burglarized at approximately 2:30 a.m. on July 26 when cigarettes and a safe deposit box were stolen.

The burglary was reported when an employee arrived in the early morning hours to open the store, located at 10343 State Hwy 59 N., and discovered damage to the building.

Montague County Sheriff Investigator Joey Stewart said entry was made using a crowbar. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the unknown suspect had tampered with the alarm keypad and cut the phone wires. Once inside, cigarettes and a safe deposit box were stolen.

The store did have video surveillance; however, the burglar also took the digital video recorder containing any video that may have identified the suspect.

As of Wednesday afternoon, there were no known suspects, but Stewart reported the department is processing evidence gathered at the crime scene and hope to identify a suspect soon. If you have any information regarding this crime, call the Montague County Sheriff’s office at 894-2871.


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