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TxDOT provides road update



WICHITA FALLS DISTRICT (Archer, Baylor, Clay, Montague, Throckmorton, Wichita, Wilbarger, Young Counties)  –  TxDOT crews in most parts of the district spent the dry parts of morning pre-treating bridges and overpasses with Brine.  However, substantial rainfall has washed most of the anti-icing agent off the roadways.

Maintenance forces in Wichita Falls and Henrietta are already on 12 hour shifts and will work throughout the night. Other maintenance offices are on standby with supervisors working overnight. As conditions dictate, more offices will go on 12 hour rotation.  The around the clock schedule will continue until the storm ends. Crews will be putting down deicing liquids like Brine as well as traction materials on bridges and trouble spots if frozen precipitation falls.

TxDOT is extremely concerned with the potential for icy conditions in the morning. The commute could be bad.  Travel in the morning is discouraged if your area gets hit with freezing rain.

Drivers are urged to follow these precautions:

  • Reduce speed. Speed limits are based on normal road and weather conditions, not winter road conditions. Do not use cruise control.
  • Maintain at least three times the normal following distance on snow or ice.
  • Watch carefully for personnel and equipment treating roadways, and stay at least 200 feet back from road crews.
  • Use extra caution on bridges, ramps, overpasses and shaded areas as they tend to freeze first.
  • Carry extra warm coats, gloves and boots in case you get stranded.
  • If you start to slide, ease off the gas pedal or brakes. Steer into the direction of the skid until you feel you have regained traction, and then straighten your vehicle.


Motorists can obtain travel information by visiting or calling (800) 452-9292. Road conditions and traffic updates are available on Facebook, and Twitter, .

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Bowie Council meeting cancelled



The Bowie City Council March 25 meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting will be on April 8.

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Commissioner’s court meets on March 24



Montague County Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. on March 24.
Michael Edgin, of Edgin, Fleming and Fleming PC will present the county’s 2023-24 outside audit report.
A proclamation will be offered naming April 2025 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Montague County.
Other items on Monday’s agenda include: Consider two bonds for Tax Assessor Kathy Phillips; review closing the annex sinking fund and transfer the existing balance into the general fund; approve the 2025 Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool, Property Renewal questionnaire related to county properties; consider county child welfare services non-financial agreement between Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and Montague County; request for precinct one to remove nine trees in fence row for Larry Scott on Mallard Road; precinct two request to clear a fence row for Oak Hills Retreat Center on Wells Service and Rocky Road and one to clear a fence row for Larry Stark on Well Service Road; receive unanticipated revenue of $500 from H20 Fastline Excavation on Leonard Road in precinct two and discuss releasing site improvement bond of $605,999 for Stonebridge Estates Phase II in precinct two.

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BISD Trustees to consider personnel issues



Looking at the Bowie Independent School District’s agenda for March 24, there could be some changes in leadership at the elementary school and junior high.
The 5:30 p.m. Monday agenda lists an executive session for personnel considerations: Bowie Elementary School principal and Bowie Junior High School principal. Trustees also will review the intruder audit report.
In other agenda items, Superintendent Blake Enlow will discuss the memo of understanding with North Central Texas College and BISD regarding the Red River Promise Program for 2024-26. He also will provide a state legislative update and information on the Texas Association of School Boards spring workshop on March 29 at the Region 9 Education Service Center in Wichita Falls.
Assistant Superintendent Lee Ann Farris will discuss the district’s Texas Essential Knowledge Skills certification form and instructional materials, along with the mock assessment and board goals updates.
Finance Director Paula Peterson will report on the preliminary budget work along with funding, property values and budget development.
After other monthly and campus reports, the board has one action item as its considers requirements of House Bill 1605 as related to BISD’s open education resource (Bluebonnet Learning) transition plan.

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