Forestburg NIE Week 16

Dear Editor,
There are many things to be grateful for this Christmas season. But the two main things I’m thankful for is being with family and of course the food.
Spending time with family is always fun. You get to make memories you never forget. And I Mean who doesn’t like food. Like I always say it fills the soul with warmth. I just can’t wait till this Christmas.
Those are just two of my favorite things I could go on and on. I really hope you have a great Christmas, what are your favorite things about this Christmas season?
Dear Editor,
I am thankful about this holidays season. Not just for one thing, but for many.
I am thankful for the amazing food. My whole family always comes together and brings so much delicious food.
My family is also one other thing I am thankful for. I love hanging out with all my family. During this season I have extra time to just talk and visit with some of them I don’t see as often.
Those were a few things I am thankful for during this holiday season.
What I’m thankful for…
What are you thankful for this holiday season?
I am mostly thankful for my family and friends. I’m thankful that I have so many people who care about me and love me. They are the ones who make me happy and help me see all the memorable and special thing in life. I honestly wouldn’t know what I would do without them. They are so special to me and they are what I am most thankful for.
Dear Editor,
What I am thankful for this month? Actually a lot but I’ll only name two to make it short and simple.
I’m thankful for my family even though some of them might be halfway around the world because most of my family lives in Germany and Iowa. I don’t have any family in Texas but I consider friends as family too. Every night on Christmas night we call to Germany and say “Merry Christmas,” because their Christmas is different we like to do it like theirs.
I’m also very thankful for the wonderful clothes I have. I love clothes. I just love expressing myself through them. I mean you can pick anything and that would be your style. Who cares what people think of your style if it makes your happy go for it.
In conclusion, I think we could be thankful for all we’ve got. Not many people have cool things like we have so never take it for granted.
Dear Editor,
I am thankful for my family. They always care for me and treat me right. And they never are mean to me.
And last I am thankful for my friends. My friends never bully me or make fun of me. They always help me on my homework or classwork.
Holiday Season
I am thankful for the way I am being raised and for my responsibilities this holiday seasons; and of course, the two people who are raising me and giving me those responsibilities.
I appreciated the way I am being raised because in this generation, way to many kids have way to much freedom to act like they are an adult. Although that is only my opinion. I believe in it firmly. Secondly, I am thankful for my responsibilities because they help me accomplish my goals and stay in line. Lastly, I am very thankful and appreciative of the two important people who lift me up when I’m down and help me accomplish my goals and keep me in line. I am thankful for my mom and dad this holiday season because I couldn’t and wouldn’t be where I am now without them.
Without the three very important things in my lie, I wouldn’t be where I am today, nor would I have them to be thankful for this holiday seasons. What do you have to be thankful for during the holidays?
BISD trustees may fill assistant principal spot

Trustees of the Bowie Independent School District will meet in a called session at 7:15 a.m. on May 25 to fill the junior high assistant principal position.
The board will go into closed session and return to take any action in open session. Possible action on a teacher certification waiver also is on the agenda.
This administrator position came open recently as Jason Childress left that job after he was named Bowie Intermediate School principal two weeks ago.
Mathnasium celebrates one year anniversary

A look at the world of education over the past 30 years would show that there has been a number of changes to the way children are taught. Trends have swung wildly in all directions in an attempt to help children do well in school. The introduction of high-stakes tests like the STAAR has only added to the pressure schools are under to help students achieve. This pressure is especially true with math. Many people break into a sweat when confronted with a page of numbers, and this fear is communicated to children. When one considers the limitations placed on a child who isn’t comfortable with math, the pressure makes sense.
For many parents, the goal of helping a child be able to choose any path he wishes means outside help will be needed. One such place to receive such help is Mathnasium of Wichita Falls, a math-only learning center getting ready to celebrate its one-year anniversary in North-Central Texas. Owned by Dr. Susan Cooper, Mathnasium is a franchise with over 700 locations worldwide. Rather than providing the traditional tutoring many parents think they want, the Mathnasium Method takes a more targeted approach to help a child catch up, keep up and get ahead.
Rather than only helping a child get through tonight’s homework and Friday’s test, the Mathnasium Method uses a comprehensive assessment to identify the very specific skills missing from a child’s math arsenal. This assessment is then used to put together a learning plan that will fill in those gaps and move the child toward independence and success. The curriculum does this using a combination of mental, visual, verbal, tactile and written exercises to teach a child conceptually, rather than relying on rote memorization. The fact is, most people cannot remember a list of rules or directions that have no meaning for them. Think of the child with a list of chores. Most parents will tell you that, if those chores are given orally to the child with no way to recall them, it will be a great day if the child remembers the first two in a list of six. However, this is exactly how we try to teach math when we ask children to remember a set of steps rather than making sure the steps are understood.
Mathnasium works with children grades two through 12 on developing this understanding through personalized instruction that focuses on how each child understands a concept. Despite what many think, there is rarely a single way of solving a math problem. The key to a child’s success is to allow each individual to find the way that makes the most sense to them. Mathnasium’s instructors have the ability to do that while working with each child. They can help the child make the connections between the method being taught by the school’s curriculum and what actually makes sense to them.
Mathnasium of Wichita Falls recently celebrated its one year anniversary. The staff looks forward to many more years of helping students. In an increasingly high-tech world, both mathematical fluency and logical reasoning are keys to the future success of children, and success in math is a key indicator of both these critical attributes. Through the services of Mathnasium, children can get the help they need to develop these skills to be ready for future success. For more information contact Mathnasium of Wichita Falls, 3001 Garnett, Ste. 200, Wichita Falls, 940-386-9556,
Saint Jo NIE 2015 Week 9

Saint Jo Elementary
Saint Jo Elementary PAWS winners for the week of Oct. 16 were: Trent Gaston, Sam Martin, Lilly Calabrese, Maxey Johnson, Blaine Firmino, Damon Byrd, Isaac Powers, Tatum Morman, Olivia Stewart, Francesca Voth, Damien Deich, Caleb Roe, Valicity Rubio, Ethan Nunneley and Corbin Johnson.
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