One of the greatest athletic achievements in Bowie High School history took place on an unexpectedly searing April day in Graham. Jenna Deweber, now Barthold, logged...
The Nocona School Board will swear in the board of trustees and declare results of the school bond election during its May 16 meeting. Pat Keck,...
The school year may be winding down, but the Bowie Independent School District bands are busy rehearsing for two big events. On May 19 at 5:30...
By Dani Blackburn The Nocona Carpenter Shop is publishing its very own cookbook this month with all proceeds going to the Meals on Wheels program. Donna...
The Nocona City Council conducted a building commission hearing and set a date to swear in new council members during its May 10 meeting. The council...
The sale of the former Bowie Memorial Hospital to Bowie Real Estate Holdings, L.P., will close during a meeting of the hospital authority board of directors...
The Montague School Board will conduct an executive session regarding personnel for the 2016-2017 school year during its May 16 meeting. Action will be taken on...
It was all about the cars this week as Cruisin’ Nocona and the Vicari Car Auction came to town Thursday. The day opened with the county-wide...
By ERIC VICCARO Saint Jo resident Camille Crist was named citizen of the year during the Saint Jo Chamber of Commerce banquet on Tuesday. Julie Whitehead...
A pair of tragic accidents this week claimed the life of a longtime Bowie woman in a car-18-wheeler wreck on Tuesday night, while a two-year-old boy...