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Remember to fall back on Saturday night for Sunday time change



Daylight Saving Time ends on Nov. 3, so before you go to bed Saturday night move your clocks back one hour.
There have been efforts to get the time change thrown out, but it continues to be in governmental limbo.
What is the future of daylight saving time? On March 15, 2022, the U.S. Senate passed a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. But it will not become law until the House of Representatives votes and the president signs off.
The Sunshine Protection Act, stalled in 2023. A group of senators reintroduced the bill again this year and it has been referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation to review and it is stuck in committee.
This time change also is a good time to change out the batteries in your smoke alarms to be set for the next year.

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Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday



It is once more time to spring forward as Daylight Saving Time begins on March 9. Move your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, so you will not out on Sunday activities.

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Texas Lakes Trail tourism staff visits Bowie Knife



Tourism staff from the Texas Lakes Trail made their annual Travel Information Center Blitz Monday and their travels include a quick stop in Bowie to the World’s Largest Bowie Knife. Mayor Gaylynn Burris welcomed the group and Bowie Community Development’s Cindy Roller was taking part in the trek that began in Grapevine at 8 a.m. The bus then went to the TIC in Wichita Falls, followed by lunch on the road before a visit to the TIC in Gainesville and then the TIC in Denison before returning to Grapevine. Despite the dreary weather, the travelers said they were excited to see the knife that tourism and people in the industry talk about.

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Tales ‘N’ Trails planning exhibit for county musicians



Montague County has a rich heritage of musicians who now or in the past, called the county home.
The Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum in Nocona is planning a temporary exhibit to honor these musicians. From “Big Tiny” Little, a regular on the Lawrence Welk Show to notables such as Honey Welch and The Spectre, from solo and group performers to music teachers and church instrumentalists, the museum would like to recognize these folks as part of our county and area history.
If you have newspaper clippings, programs, pictures, or other related memorabilia such as album covers, instruments, costumes, etc. that you would be willing to loan to the museum for a few months this would help make the exhibit a nostalgic and memorable attraction for museum visitors.
The museum will be accepting these items during the week of June 16-20. Please consider lending your items for this special exhibit.
They will scan any photographs, clippings, etc. to reproduce for the exhibit. Any three-dimensional items will be photographed and measured to help plan adequate exhibit space. You may then bring them in again as the exhibit is built.
The exhibit should open in October and be up for several months.
If you have questions, contact Museum Director Nell Ann McBroom at 940-867-3944 or exhibit volunteer Larry G. Lemons at 940-366-5782 or stop by the museum in Nocona.

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