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The mini, but mighty shamrock-shaped solution for lawn renovation



Miniclover is drought-tolerant, simple,stunning and sustainable with low-to-no maintenance

( That lush, green lawn most strive for is struggling to survive as our climate experiences “weather whiplash,” meaning abrupt swings in weather conditions from one extreme to another. Last season, drought conditions were so dire in California billboards shouted, “Brown is the New Green.” This season, despite early, extreme flooding in California, evidence suggests the length and depth of droughts will increase in upcoming years, becoming more frequent and severe.

Outdoor water usage is still astronomical, synthetic chemical use is ever-present and fuel-guzzling lawn blowers and mowers sing all summer. Traditional lawn maintenance is expensive, unnatural, untenable and increases greenhouse gasses, wastes water, pollutes ecosystems and reduces biodiversity.

Average American families use 320 gallons of water daily, about 30% outdoors, with more than half devoted to watering lawns and gardens, according to the EPA. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated at almost one-third of all residential water usage, totaling nearly 9 billion gallons daily.

Gas-powered lawn mowers spew pollutants that can cause planet-warming gases, contributing to climate crisis and drought. According to the EPA, gas-powered lawn equipment releases more than 22 million tons of CO2 emissions and estimates over 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled refueling lawn equipment; that’s more than all oil spilled by Exxon Valdez.

There are many issues causing harm to environmental health, from the ridiculous, like billionaires taking 17-minute flights in private jets, producing 2 tons of CO2 emissions, to everyday lawn care wasting staggering amounts of water for aesthetics whilepolluting the environment through run-off and toxic emissions.

Cash rebates, up to $5,000, are being offered to some for the removal of grass lawns. To get the rebate, other water-efficient options must be put in place. It’s time to take a page from the past; sowing clover seed can create a great-looking, water-efficient, sustainable lawn. Decades ago, clover was standard in lawn seed mixes. Then agricultural chemical companies created herbicides to rid lawns of broadleaf plants, killing everything but grass, clovers included, branding them weeds.

“Today, clover is making a comeback,” said Troy Hake, president and owner of, offering drought-tolerant grasses, clovers, wildflower seeds and more. “Tik Tok’s #cloverlawn has over 65 million views, evidencing it’s time for sustainable options, like adding ‘miniclover’ or replacing lawns with it. Miniclover (trifolium repens), is one-third to half the size of white Dutch clover, only grows 4-6 inches and produces a thick, carpet-like look that blends well with turf. Less expensive than grass seed, it’s a natural solution for self-sustaining, low-maintenance lawns that look beautiful and help eliminate the need for fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and weekly mowing. It’s healthier for people, pets, soil and waterways. You can’t go wrong with it.”

There’s nothing you can do about those 17-minute private jet flights. However, anyone with a lawn can add-in miniclover and redefine what sustainable lawns and responsible lawn care looks like. Sales of miniclover rose dramatically last season, surely an indicator that this lawn renovation trend was well-received and continues to grow.


Nitrogen fixer. Miniclover takes nitrogen from the air and “fixes” it in soil, eliminating the need to apply nitrogen, keeping lawns green and growing while adding natural nitrogen to surrounding soil.

Drought tolerant. Miniclover is drought-tolerant and canstay green all summer with minimal watering.

Deters bugs. Grubs that feed on grass roots will not eat miniclover, and adult beetles and bugs are deterred from laying eggs in it.

Crowds out weeds. Miniclover is evenly dispersed via stolons (stems grow horizontally along the ground), crowding out weeds, preventing new weeds and controlling erosion.

Low-to-no maintenance. You can mow miniclover – the more it’s cut, the smaller the leaf size – or let it grow. Miniclover only blooms once in summer, providing bees with nectar, or mowing will prevent blooming.

Thrives in sun to partial shade. Miniclover does well in partial shade that receives some direct sunshine daily.

Stands up to soil and subsoil compaction.

Immune to “dog patches.” Dog urine discolors lawns, but miniclover stays green and lush.

Feels soft and springy on bare feet and looks like ordered whimsy.

So… what’s not to like?

For other drought-tolerant options, visit

Photos courtesy of


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Get ready to grill: Choosing the right outdoor cooking solution



(Family Features) Warmer temperatures and sun-filled days mean it’s time to take entertaining and socializing outdoors, and a key component of many outdoor gatherings is fresh-grilled food.

Because firing up the grill can make prepping meals quick and easy, it allows you to spend more time with friends and family rather than missing out on the sunshine while stuck in the kitchen. Whether you’re a first-time griller or consider yourself a master of the grates, there’s a grill available to meet your skill level and needs, such as these options that provide flexibility for small-to-midsize backyard spaces – as well as a large built-in model for custom outdoor kitchens – and a variety of features and function to make the most of your warm weather gatherings.

Portable, Small-Space Cooking

Ideal for first-time grillers, couples, small families or those with limited backyard spaces, the Megamaster 3-Burner Gas Grillwas designed to fuse performance and value. Despite its size, it can cater to almost any grilling or entertaining need with three stainless steel burners and 447 square inches of cooking space, a combination of versatility and capacity to prepare large quantities of food as well as various types of food simultaneously. Plus, it’s easy to maneuver on two heavy-duty wheels, making it simple to free up patio space after use. Learn more at

Family-Sized Functionality

With ample cooking space to feed small and medium-sized groups, the Nexgrill 4-Burner Gas Grill with Side Burner is a perfect all-around grill for both beginners and seasoned grilling enthusiasts. Always ready to fire up some flavor, the durable grill also features a stainless steel side burner to saute, simmer and warm dishes simultaneously as well as 628 square inches of cooking space, meaning family favorites like burgers, dogs, chicken and more can be put on the table quickly. Find more information at

Elevate Your Outdoor Kitchen

If your outdoor living area includes enough space, you can elevate the outdoor cooking experience with an outdoor kitchen. Put a premium, built-in grill like the Spire 6-Burner Built-In Grill at the center of your custom, luxurious entertaining space. This dual-fuel, stainless steel gas grill features 904 square inches of cooking space and 73,000 British thermal units of cooking power across six main burners and an intense-heat ceramic rear burner, producing restaurant-quality sear marks and exceptional heat retention. Visit to learn more about the durable, high-performance grilling solution.




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Tips to make your AC more energy efficient, sustainable



(Family Features) Updating your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system to cool your home in a smart and sustainable way involves several steps that not only improve energy efficiency but also reduce environmental impact.

Consider these tips from the heating and cooling experts at Carrier to help make your cooling system more eco-friendly:

  1. Upgrade to an Energy-Efficient HVAC System. If your HVAC system is outdated, consider replacing it with a more energy-efficient model. Look for systems with an Energy Star or high SEER2 (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating, which indicates better energy efficiency. The higher the SEER2 rating, the more efficient the unit. Financial incentives for installing a higher-efficiency system are available through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. You can also shop for rebates from manufacturers and utility companies.
  2. Look for a Carbon-Free HVAC System. Heat pumps, ductless and VRF (variable refrigerant flow) systems that run on electricity and use low global-warming potential refrigerant, like Carrier’s Puron Advance, can help reduce your home’s negative impact on the environment.
  3. Install a Smart Thermostat. A smart thermostat can be programmed based on your preferences and adjust temperatures automatically. These devices can be controlled remotely through smartphones and help reduce energy consumption by cooling your home only when necessary.
  4. Conduct Regular Maintenance. Keep your HVAC system running efficiently with regular maintenance. This includes cleaning or replacing air filters every 1-3 months, checking refrigerant levels, cleaning outside condenser coils and ensuring the system’s components are in good, working condition and the airflow is not blocked.
  5. Seal and Insulate. Improve your home’s insulation to maintain a consistent temperature. Seal windows, doors and any gaps or cracks to prevent cool air from escaping. This can significantly reduce the workload on your HVAC system.
  6. Use Ceiling Fans. Ceiling fans can help circulate cool air throughout your home, allowing you to set the thermostat at a higher temperature without sacrificing comfort, thus saving energy.
  7. Add Window Treatments. Use blinds, shades or curtains to block out sunlight and reduce heat gain during the hottest parts of the day. This simple step can make a big difference in how much your air conditioner needs to work.
  8. Upgrade to a Variable-Speed Compressor. Traditional compressors operate at full power or not at all. However, a variable-speed compressor can adjust its output to match your cooling needs precisely, resulting in better efficiency, energy savings and improved indoor comfort.
  9. Ventilate Properly. Ensure proper ventilation in your home, especially in areas like the kitchen and bathroom, to remove excess heat and humidity, which can reduce the need for air conditioning.
  10. Update Roofing. If you’re replacing your roof, consider cool roofing materials that reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than standard roofing materials, reducing the heat that enters your home.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve or update your HVAC system to cool your home more sustainably. Not only do these steps help the environment, they can also lead to lower energy bills and improved indoor comfort. Always consult with an HVAC professional to determine the best and most efficient options for your home and needs.

Find more information and tips to sustainably cool your home at


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Steps to get your yard ready for spring



(Family Features) As the weather begins to warm and days get longer, it’s important to begin preparing your yard for a healthy growing season. While factors like climate, soil type and grass type can all impact how your yard grows, there are a few steps you can take during the spring months to help your lawn thrive.

From dethatching and aerating to fertilizing and mowing, tackling these simple chores can help ensure your yard looks its best and is prepared to fight off seasonal weeds, disease and drought.

Tune Your Mower
Before it’s time for the first mowing of the season, inspect your mower and perform any routine maintenance necessary. That goes beyond sharpening, or replacing, the blade, and includes changing the oil, spark plugs and filter as well as filling with a fresh tank of gas.

Loosen the Thatch Layer
While it’s important to avoid working on your lawn until after the final freeze to avoid damaging the grass, raking your yard with a spring tine rake to loosen thatch – the layer of leaves, roots and dead grass that builds up between live grass and soil – before the first mow is equally important. Be sure to rake when the soil is dry; if it’s too soft or muddy, you may pull up healthy grass crowns.

Combat Compacted Soil
If your soil has become compacted – likely the effect of heavy foot traffic – and is too dense for water, air and other nutrients to reach the roots of your grass, aerating can help break it up and reduce thatch. A core, or plug, aerator can introduce tiny holes into your soil by removing plugs of grass and soil, which lets nutrients more easily reach the roots. An added bonus, the plugs can decompose on top of your grass, supplying more nutrients.

Fill in Bare Spots
If your lawn is looking sparse, overseeding, which involves spreading grass seed over your existing lawn, can help fill in bare spots. Be sure to choose the right type of seed for your climate and soil type to ensure proper growth. Applying a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer at the same time can provide additional nutrients that are important for promoting healthy growth.

Start Seasonal Mowing
When the ground is dry enough and your grass is long enough to require cutting, begin seasonal mowing. Be sure to use proper techniques, including varying your mowing direction each time to avoid creating patterns or ruts, and avoid cutting grass too low, which can make the lawn more susceptible to weeds and drought stress. In general, never remove more than one-third of the grass blade at a time.

Find more tips to help get your yard ready for warm weather at

Photo courtesy of Unsplash


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