Youngsters across Montague County are clipping goats, walking steers and hammering on shop projects as they get ready for this week’s Montague County Youth Fair in...
District 68 State Rep. Drew Springer (R-Muenster) has filed House Concurrent Resolution 32 that proposes the Bowie Knife be designated the official knife of the State...
WICHITA FALLS DISTRICT : Archer, Baylor, Clay, Cooke, Montague, Throckmorton, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Young Counties – With the potential for freezing precipitation tonight the Texas Department...
Find some great new comfort food recipes as winter’s chill arrives. See Relish in the mid-week Bowie News.
By BARBARA GREEN When retired Texas Ranger Marshall Thomas took the oath of office as Montague County Sheriff on Jan. 1, it fulfills his goal to...
Montague County youth are busy preparing for the Montague County Youth Fair on Jan. 12-14. Entries closed on Dec. 15 with a total of 1,157 entries...
The Montague County Tax Office and Vehicle Title and Registrations will close at noon on Jan. 10 for the installation of new equipment. The property tax...
The Bowie News wishes all our readers and customers a happy and prosperous new year. We have enjoyed being Montague County largest and leading news and...
Montague County officials will be sworn-in to their respective offices during 9 a.m. ceremonies on Jan. 1 in the county courtroom in the courthouse annex. Everyone...
By DANI BLACKBURN 2016 was a year when Montague County citizens faced political drama and watched the economy plummet; but, they found optimism in new projects...