The regular meeting of the Bowie City Council for July 22 has been cancelled. City Manager Bert Cunningham and Mayor Gaylynn Burris will be attending the...
City of Bowie officials were on hand to inspect the emergency electrical generators that were delivered last week.Mayor Gaylynn Burris and City Manager Bert Cunningham inspected...
No action was taken on a legal issue after members of the Bowie City Council met in a called closed session at 4 p.m. on July...
The Department of Public Safety has provided information on an auto vs. motorcycle accident that reportedly occurred on July 4.James Lee Hilton, Nocona, was driving a...
A major crash on East Wise in front of the Second Monday parking on July 11 shut down traffic for several hours in the morning and...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comBowie City Councilors this week got their first look at the 2024-25 proposed budget seeing a balanced plan with a total operational budget of...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comFew additional details have been released in connection with the Tuesday theft arrest of 97th District Attorney Casey Hall, and in a statement to...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comThe two proposed 2024-25 budgets for the Montague County Tax Appraisal District and its tax collections are making their way around the government entities...
The annual summer chlorine conversion at the City of Bowie Water Treatment Plant will begin on July 26 and run through Aug. 24.Jerry Sutton, plant supervisor,...