The Bowie City Council will meet in called session at 6 p.m. on Nov. 16 when newly elected members will take office. In order to meet...
The City of Bowie has closed out an Environmental Protection Agency audit clearing up documentation issues that resulted in a $1,920 fine for the city. While...
Montague County Commissioner’s Court will meet in regular session at 9 a.m. on Nov. 13. The court will approve a resolution authorizing the submission of a...
By BARBARA GREEN Staff from the Texas Water Development Board met in Bowie Wednesday for a public hearing on designating a new minor aquifer called the...
By BARBARA GREEN The Bowie City Council accepted the resignation of City Manager Ricky Tow as its Tuesday night meeting and tabled action on setting a...
Typically, constitutional amendment election years see low voter turnout and Tuesday’s election was no different even with contested races within Bowie and Saint Jo. According to...
At least one person has died on Texas roadways every day since Nov. 7, 2000. In an effort to end this grim and deadly 17-year milestone,...
Citizens interested in the future of groundwater in Montague County may want to attend a public hearing at 1 p.m. on Nov. 8 in the Bowie...
Nov. 11 will be the first day of filing for the March 6, 2018 party primary elections in Texas. After an exhaustive presidential primary season during...
Posted 9:45 p.m. with 100% of precinct reporting per county elections administrator Winners in italics also results pending officials canvassing by the respective entities. Bowie City...