The Nocona Lady Indians had to dig deep as they matched up with the only other undefeated team in district, Childress, in an overtime thriller. The...
The Bowie Lady Rabbits fell at Holliday on Tuesday night in a game that got away from them in the second half. The Lady Eagles parade...
The Bowie Jackrabbits faced its first road district test on Tuesday as they traveled to Holliday. The Eagles pulled away in the second half on their...
Prairie Valley vs Gold-Burg boys The Prairie Valley boy’s basketball team hosted Gold-Burg on Friday in what would turn out to be a happy homecoming game...
Both the Bowie and Nocona boy’s powerlifting teams started their season on Thursday at Ponder. The Jackrabbits wound up in second place behind Paradise with nine...
Both of Nocona’s basketball teams picked up huge district wins at Holliday on Friday night. The Lady Indians won a close game 55-51 to stay undefeated...
Following the teams first district loss, the Bowie Lady Rabbits bounced back in a big way by taking down City View at home on Friday. The...
The Bowie Jackrabbits started off district play hosting City View on Friday. Playing the athletic and pressing Mustangs, the Jackrabbits put together one of their best...
Forestburg basketball It was going to be a tall task for both Forestburg basketball teams on Tuesday night as the Longhorns were hosting district favorites and...
The Saint Jo Panthers hosted Prairie Valley on Tuesday in a game that went to the wire down the stretch. The Panthers held off a valiant...