Bowie Junior High School mascot Kara Baker received a spirit stick, was named Most Spirited and was nominated for All-American mascot, during a cheerleading camp at...
Read more on this story in the mid-week Bowie News.
Members of the Montague County Amateur Radio Club took part in a field day on June 24-25. This national event demonstrates ham radio’s ability to work...
Summer reading programs for area youngsters got underway this week at the Bowie Public Library and the Nocona Public Library. The opening day for Bowie was...
Texas leads the nation in children’s hot car deaths with seven of the nation’s 15 this year. Florida is second with two. The most recent deaths...
By DANI BLACKBURN Audiences are being taken on a magical adventure with Bowie teenagers Baxter Swint and Zack Otto as they star in the Wichita Falls...
Two 14-year-old boys are suspects in a June 26 burglary at Allen’s Texaco. Bowie Police were called to the gas station when the workers arrived about...
The Main Street Bowie Chicken and Bread Heritage Festival committee is preparing for the 15th annual July Jam and advance tickets are now available. This benefit...