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Summer reading programs begin in local libraries



Summer reading programs for area youngsters got underway this week at the Bowie Public Library and the Nocona Public Library.
The opening day for Bowie was Tuesday at 10 a.m. Theme for the season is “Build a Better World,” and it featured the high school cheerleaders, music and storytime.
Summer reading is open to youngsters through age 12. Each program last about an hour. On opening day children picked up their reading logs.
At the end of the program participants who complete 10 hours of reading will receive a certificate, can select a book for their age group and other prizes. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
On July 11 there will be Three Little Pigs skit, a puppet show on July 18 and a drum program on July 25.
Other dates will be July 11, July 18 and July 25, all at 10 a.m. There will not be a program on July 4.
For those older children, Teen and Tween Summer Reading is 2 p.m. each Wednesday in July for those ages 12-18. Other activities during July will be Makers Space each Tuesday at 2 p.m. and Minecraft and computer coding each Thursday at 4 p.m. for ages 12 and up.
Questions can be directed to the library by calling 872-2681.
Nocona Public Library’s Summer Reading also will be at 10 a.m. each Monday in July.
Children ages 3-16 are invited to attend. Call 825-6373 or stop by 10 Cooke Street.

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Carpenter Shop dining room closing Wednesday, Thursday



Officials with the Carpenter Shop (Nocona Senior Citizens Center) have announced the dining room will be closed today, Wednesday (2/19) and Thursday (2/20) due to possible bad winter weather.

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Saint Jo City Council reschedules its February meeting



After cancelling its meeting due to illness earlier this month, the Saint Jo City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Feb. 19 at city hall.

Agenda items are:

  1. Consider resolution to allow the Saint Jo Riding Club to access city-owned property adjacent to the rodeo arena to be used for parking for club-hosted events.
  2. Discuss request from Dennis Elmore about 5.87 acres on West Howell to build on lots 6 and 7.
  3. Discuss and act on updated ordinance from the workshop conducted on Jan. 22.
  4. Approve minutes and bills, along with printed reports.
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Father/daughter dance welcomes big crowd



Freedom Life Church and its sponsors hosted the annual Father/Daughter Dance in Bowie. There was a packed house of family members for the annual event as they enjoyed a deejay, dancing, food and fun. Watch for more photos in your Thursday Bowie News. (News photo by Barbara Green)

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