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Diet and exercise series offered at Montague



This is the time of year when everyone seems to be saying to themselves, “maybe I should start exercising or dieting.”
Just in time for any new resolutions of a healthy lifestyle, the local Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office is launching “Step Up & Scale Down,” a new 12-week weight management program to help the public in their efforts.
The series will kick off Aug. 31 at Montague County Courthouse Annex Community Room.
Classes will be at noon for 12 consecutive Fridays. The program consists of weekly lessons to help participants move toward a healthier weight and includes a weekly weight check-in, weekly challenge to “stay the course,” Dinner Tonight! healthy recipes and tips, exercise resources and a weight-loss planner. The Step Up & Scale Down program is based on the United States Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines, which are intended to help Americans choose a healthful eating plan. “Step Up & Scale Down is a researched-based program that has proven success in weight management and building healthy lifestyle habits,” Melanie said.
Cost for the 12-week program is $40, which includes all course materials.
Pre-registration is available until Aug. 17 online at
More information at

To read the full story, pick up a copy of the weekend edition of the Bowie News.

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‘What’s Your Point’ review possible stone relics



Do you think a stone you picked up could be an Indian artifact?
Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum will host “What’s Your Point,” an informational event from 1-3 p.m. on March 9 to have your items reviewed by Dr. Sergio Ayala, PhD of the Gault School of Archeological Research. Cost is $10 per person and museum members are free.
Also bring in any metal artifacts found around Spanish Fort that might have been of European origin. Museum Curator Nellann McBroom said if you cannot attend bring you artifacts and leave them, then pick them up on Monday. Call the museum at 825-5330 with questions.

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Oct. 7 final day to register to vote



Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election.
Voters also should double check their voter registration to make sure all the information is up-to-date. Go to on the Texas Secretary of State’s website to make any address changes.
Registering to vote in Texas is easy, simply complete a voter registration application on the SOS website and return it to your county election office at least 30 days before the upcoming election date.
Fill in the required information, print and sign the complete application. At this late date it may be best to deliver the registration form in person to the election office in the courthouse annex at Montague.
Any additional information on voter registration can be seen on the county website at, click on elections. Direct any questions to the office at 894-2540.

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Saint Jo crew works all night to repair 8-inch water main



Marty Hilton and his crew with City of Saint Jo Public Works pulled an all nighter repairing an eight-inch water main break along U.S. 82 and Boggess Street. The break was reported around noon on Wednesday. City officials said one of the hardest parts was digging on U.S. 82 and when large trucks would go by the vibrations kept making the walls fall down causing them to be dug out again. The repair was completed at 10:30 a.m. Thursday and the water turned back on. The city is under a boil order until the water tests are complete, which can’t happen until Monday when the lab reopens. (Courtesy photo)

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