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Bowie golf course set to reopen as two locals lease it



Starting April 1 the Twisted Oaks Golf Course will reopen thanks to the efforts of two local businessmen who are leasing the course for two-years.
Kasey Denson and Todd Brown reported this week they have purchased all the equipment and will be leasing the property. In addition, they have been working to increase the membership and as of Thursday had a little more than 100 members.

Read the full story in the weekend Bowie News.

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Gov. Abbott activates state emergency response resources ahead of severe storms, flash flood threat



AUSTIN — Governor Greg Abbott today directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to activate state emergency response resources ahead of increased threats of severe weather and flash flooding in large areas of the state through the weekend.

“Texas is prepared to deploy all resources needed to support local communities in South and Southeast Texas as they prepare to respond to severe weather and flash flooding,” said Governor Abbott. “Today, I directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to activate rescue boats, hoist capable helicopters, search and rescue teams, and other resources to help local emergency officials respond to heavy rainfall and flash flooding. Texans are urged to monitor the weather, make an emergency plan, and heed the guidance of state and local officials to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Remember: Turn Around, Don’t Drown.”

According to the National Weather Service, heavy rainfall with the potential to cause flash flooding is expected across South and Southeast Texas beginning today through the end of the week. Very hard, dry ground from prolonged drought will cause fast, excessive runoff that can lead to flash flooding concerns. Severe storms are also possible, with primary hazards of damaging winds and large hail expected across South Texas mid to late week. Texans are encouraged to monitor local forecasts over the next several days.

At the Governor’s direction, TDEM activated the following state emergency response resources to support local flood response operations:

  • Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (Texas A&M Task Force 1 and Texas Task Force 3): Swiftwater Rescue Boat Squads, Type 3 Urban Search and Rescue Teams, Flood Water Boat Squads
  • Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM): The State of Texas Incident Management Team to support deployed emergency response resources across the state
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Game Wardens, rescue boat teams, and helicopters with hoist capability to assist with flood rescues
  • Texas Department of Public Safety: Helicopters with hoist capabilities, Texas Highway Patrol Troopers, and the Tactical Marine Unit
  • Texas National Guard: Personnel and high-profile vehicles to assist stranded motorists

The following resources have been readied for activation to support local severe weather response operations if needed:

  • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service: Disaster Assessment and Recovery Agents as well as AgriLife Extension Agents to support agricultural and livestock needs
  • Texas Department of Transportation: Personnel monitoring road conditions
  • Public Utility Commission of Texas: Power outage monitoring and coordination with utility providers
  • Railroad Commission of Texas: Monitoring of the state’s natural gas supply and communication with the oil and gas industry
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: Air/water/wastewater monitoring
  • Texas Department of State Health Services (Texas Emergency Medical Task Force): Severe Weather Support Packages consisting of medics, ambulances, and all-terrain vehicles

The Texas State Emergency Operations Center remains activated at Level II (Escalated Response) to support requests for state assistance. Additionally, the Texas Emergency Management Council continues to monitor increased wildfire danger across West Texas.

Texans are encouraged to follow instructions from local officials, make an emergency plan, and prepare an emergency supply kit. Texans can access flood information at, check road conditions at, locate flood safety information at, and find general preparedness tips at

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Saint Jo to host informal town hall meeting



Saint Jo Mayor Kelly Williamson and Police Chief Harvey Johnson will host an informal town hall meeting from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. on March 29 at The Grazing Grove Restaurant.
All residents are invited to attend to address questions and foster a better understanding of current matters affecting the community.

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30 indicted cases returned from grand jury



The Montague County Grand Jury issued 30 indicted cases of its March session last week with six of those sealed awaiting the arrest of a suspect.
The following cases were filed in the 97th District Court Clerk’s office as of March 24.
A grand jury indictment is not evidence of guilt. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Read the full story in the Thursday Bowie News.

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