Montague Sheriff Paul Cunningham will be feted with a retirement celebration from 2 to 5 p.m. on Dec. 30 in the county courthouse annex community room....
By DANI BLACKBURN Bowie Independent School District supports the ideal a caring adult has the potential to change the life of a child. The district has...
First Baptist Church of Bowie and the Montague County Historical Commission unveiled a new Texas Historical Marker for the church honoring it 134 years at the...
Members of the Jackrabbit varsity basketball team helped the Bowie Lions Club Monday morning as they packed up food boxes that will be delivered to 52...
The Nocona City Council Tuesday night authorized City Fire Chief Rusty Henley to make an offer on a 2001 E-one 100’ Quint ladder fire truck. The...
Dancing snowflakes of the fourth grade Bowie Intermediate Christmas program this week. See more photos in the weekend News. (Photo by Rosie Cole)
Enjoy America’s popular weekend magazine supplement, American Profile in your weekend Bowie News. Meet the Kindest Kid of 2016.
Bowie first grade students entertained friends, family and students this week during the annual Christmas musical program that feature lots of traditional holiday tunes. (Photos by...
Celebrate the the Christmas season by visiting the live nativity scene presented by the First United Methodist Church Dec. 15 -16. The church is located at...