On February 16, 1997, 25-year-old Jeff Gordon claims his first Daytona 500 victory, becoming the youngest winner in the history of the 200-lap, 500-mile National Association...
At tonight’s meeting of the trustees of the Bowie Hospital Authority received one bid for the primary hospital building and its remaining auxiliary buildings for a...
On this day in 1903, toy store owner and inventor Morris Michtom places two stuffed bears in his shop window, advertising them as Teddy bears. Michtom...
The Bowie City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Feb. 16. Numerous items of new business lead the agenda. There will be a public hearing on...
On February 14around the year 278A.D., Valentine, a holy priest in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed. Under the rule of Claudius...
SCHEDULE Feb. 15 Basketball 6 p.m., Bellevue vs. Trinidad, at Aledo High School, girls’ 1A bi-district 6:30 p.m., Wichita Falls Rider vs. Lake Dallas, at Bowie...
By ERIC VICCARO sports@bowienewsonline.com For Bowie’s Courtney Brady and River Romine, this is their last chance to play for state championship. And the road to San...
It’s win or go home time, and Bowie, Forestburg and Bellevue all will be seeking to win bi-district golden basketballs for the second straight season on...
Prairie Valley High School reminisced about the distant past last Friday as the school celebrated its 1968 state boys’ basketball championship tournament team. Head coach Tom...
The 1968 featured the following players: No. 12 Frank Glass, No. 50 Wayne Sappington, No. 22 Johnny Pigg, No. 42 Elton Burleson, No. 24 Sam Tompkins,...