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Snakes begin their summer moving; nothing unusual says game warden



As summer sizzles its way into our lives, the warm weather also means snake weather as these reptiles seek out Texas sunshine after winter’s cool.
If you are a social media user the pictures are already popping up of people dispatching snakes of all shapes and sizes at their homes. However, Montague County Game Warden Chase McAnnich says there is “nothing out of the ordinary” about their movements.
From March through the beginning of November, you have a chance of seeing a snake. When snakes first appear after a long winter, they are looking for a meal and then a mate. As temperatures increase during the spring through the end of summer, you may occasionally encounter snakes in your yard and during outdoor activities.

Read about safety tips for snakes this summer and tips to keep rodents and snakes away from your residence in the mid-week News.

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Gold-Burg High one-act prepares for public show on Sunday



The cast and crew of Gold-Burg High School’s state-bound one-act play “Interview,” will present a public show at 4 p.m. on May 5 in the Bowie Junior High Auditorium.
Admission is $5 and there will be a bake sale to raise funds for travel and other OAP expenses. The show is directed by Linda Fitzner.
The group will travel to Austin to perform on May 13 for the state title. This is the school’s first time to take a play to the state contest.

Pictured above: Cast of “Interview” in rehearsal this week. (Courtesy photo)

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Voters decided today on two ISD bonds



Voters in Bowie and Forestburg Independent School Districts will have their say Saturday as both entities offer up bond issues to improve infrastructure.
Early voting came to an end on Tuesday with a total of 1,230 people casting their ballots.
On election day the polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at three locations: Bowie Senior Citizens Center, Forestburg ISD Library and Sunset City Hall. Voters can cast their ballots at any of these locations due to countywide voting.

Read more about both bond proposals in your weekend Bowie News.

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City crews replace fire hydrant near downtown



Water was off Wednesday morning as the City of Bowie public works crew replaced a fire hydrant at the corner of Walnut and Matthews. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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