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Clyde Johnson celebrates 45 years with City of Bowie



Mayor Gaylynn Burris presented Clyde Johnson, head of the city parks department, with a token of appreciation for his 45 years of service to the city. Johnson was honored with a surprise party this past week with his fellow city staffers, along with family and several former co-workers. Johnson visited with the guests and thanked them for coming. (News photo by Barbara Green)

Clyde Johnson was congratulated by friends, family and former co-workers at the party celebrating his 45th year with the city.
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Montague County goes under a burn ban



A ban on all outdoor burning in Montague County went into effect at noon on March 12.

Montague County Judge Kevin Benton declared a local state of disaster for the purpose of implementing controls aimed at eliminating outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of the county as source of wildfires during the current dry weather.

All outdoor burning is banned in the unincorporated areas of the county for seven days from date of adoption of this order, unless the restrictions are terminated earlier by this court.
The burning of trash and domestic waste, maintenance or land clearing, brush, campfires and trees or prohibited.

This order limits but does not prohibit outdoor burning activities related to public health and safety authorized by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for firefighter training, public utility, natural gas pipeline or mining operations, harvest or agricultural crops or welding allowed with the following restrictions:
Area should be clean 15 feet or more on welding site; there should be at least 55 gallons of water with the ability to pressurize and spray welding site; an additional person should be on site with welder to spot fires and a fire extinguisher on site.

Violation of this order is punishable by a ticket that can carry a monetary fine.

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Repair halts water this morning



Lake Amon Carter will experience a water outage at approximately 10:30 a.m. to repair a leaking water main. Repairs may take several hours.

Hear Audio Alert:

Boil order issued

Officials with the Amon Carter Water Supply District said the district also is under a boil order, which will remain in place until appropriate testing is completed, possibly by Thursday depending on completion of the repairs.

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Nocona City Council to meet



Members of the Nocona City Council will meet at 5 p.m. in the council chambers at 102 Clay Street on March 11.
In the workshop agenda the group will review a request from the Nocona Economic Development Corporation (Type A and B) board to expend $2,500 in funs for L&M Barber and Cigar Shop signage. Other NEDC requests are participation with the B board in a grant of $15,577 to Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum for a rainwater harvesting system and both boards investing $1,00,000 in certificates of deposit at Legend Bank.
The council will consider continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee. The 2025 Public Utilities Commission cost price index increase of 2.2484 for telecommunications right-of-way rates and give direction to the city staff.
Lucky Paws volunteers will present the annual shelter report. Carl Partin will discuss the city animal control code regarding dangerous dogs.
Action on all items except the shelter report and dog code will be considered under the regular agenda.

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