A 911 call for a reckless driver along U.S. Highway 287 early Friday morning led to a brief manhunt for two suspects who abandoned their vehicle...
Brent Shaw is the grand prize winner of the new car from the 2018 Bowie Rotary Scholarship drawing. A big thank you goes to all the...
The Bowie City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on April 17 in the council chambers. Repair of the collapsing Mill Street drainage culverts will be...
Thanks to the fundraising efforts in Montague County Court Appointed Special Advocates of Red River will soon be expanding services to the county. CASA has been...
By BARBARA GREEN Demolition of the 1927 Bowie City Auditorium could begin by May 11 as the city moves forward with plans to take down the...
Saint Jo City Council members approved establishing a zone for manufactured and Department of Housing and Urban Development homes during an April 11 meeting. With three...
The Chisholm Trail Heritage Festival began Thursday with a ranch trail ride featuring wagons and horse riders. The ride took place Thursday and Friday on the...
For those traveling south on Farm-to-Market 1125, there will be road detour as a railroad crossing is replanked on Friday. Officials with the Texas Department of...
By BARBARA GREEN It was a brief meeting for the Montague County Commissioners Monday as they handled a 13-item agenda in less than 30 minutes. County...