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Bowie bands prepare for UIL concert, sightreading contests this week



Bowie Junior and Senior High School bands will perform at University Interscholastic League competition March 30 and March 31 at Argyle High School.
German Torres, fine arts coordinator at BHS said both the seventh and eighth-grade bands will perform on March 30. The high school band will perform on March 31.
The high school director said the bands will perform selections chosen for the UIL contest which includes a concert performance and a sightreading piece.
“The students have been working extremely hard and looking forward to performing,” said Torres.
For the high school band if they earn a division one in both concert and sightreading, they will earn the sweepstakes award.
This would be the second year in a row if that goal is attained. Those two ratings combine with the band’s marching band contest rating to receive the highest award.
The band and choir students will perform their UIL selections for the public at the annual Cake Spin set for 5-9 p.m. on April 9 at the high school cafeteria.
There also will be performances from the newly created Bowie Community Band, the junior and senior high Winterguard groups.
Torres said it will be an evening “jam packed” with music and cakes for guests to win.

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Bowie High one-act takes district



Bowie High School’s one-act play, “View from a Bridge” by Arthur Miller won the district contest on March 6 advancing to bi-district on April 1 in Clyde.
Director April Word said Henrietta and Holliday also advance, but the play from district 8 has not been selected. At the district contest Bowie took first place and had the best overall tech crew of Aowyn Word, Keller Dosch, Adamari Alonso, Elise Fitch and TJ Ferguson. Alonso received an individual tech award.
Corban Word, Lili Zilfo and Corben Wolsey were named to the All Star cast. Lia Meier was named best performer.
The cast and crew includes Corban Word, Corben Wolsey, Lia Meier, Lili Zilfo, Adam Hofbauer, Nathaniel Montesdeoca, Nicholai Brady, Garyson Minyard, Jett Black, Kaylee Bowman, Adryana Torres, Taylor Sanderson, Owen Hoffbauer, Lily Hamilton, Willie Brown, TJ Ferguson, Chris Komolosi, Scarlett Jolly, Aowyn Word, Keller Dosch, Adamari Alonso, Josh Karr and Elise Fitch.

Pictured cast and crew of “View from the Bridge.” Courtesy photo

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Bowie, Nocona bands earn sweepstakes awards



Both Bowie and Nocona High School bands came home with the big wins last week as they earned sweepstakes. Bands who earn superior ratings for marching in the fall, can earn the top award if they have superior ratings during concert and sight reading in the spring. The Bowie band is shown above. Director is German Torres.

Nocona High School Band shows off their sweepstakes trophy after last week’s concert and sight reading contest. The band is directed by Randy Brooks.

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Vikings invade Bowie Intermediate



Third graders at Bowie Intermediate presented the Norse Myth Mardi Gras parade last week. They created not only floats, but stories for the Krewe Bezeker Vikings. See more photos in the Thursday Bowie News. (Photos by Barbara Green)

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