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Tax payments due by Jan. 31



The hours are ticking away to pay your 2024 county, city, school and hospital district property taxes by the Jan. 31 deadline before any penalty or interest charges begin.
The tax deadline is Jan. 31 and those who pay by the deadline will avoid the 7% penalty and interest that kicks off starting Feb. 1. That amount will increase each month until July 1 when attorney fees are added. Tax payments were due when tax statements were received last October.
There has been lots of activity regarding property taxes during the past year as the homestead exemption was increased and school taxes reduced by state mandate. Tax officials in Montague County encourage citizens to keep up with all their paperwork and come to pay their payments as soon as possible to avoid either waiting in line or possibly not getting through in the last hours on the telephone.

Read the full story in the Thursday Bowie News.

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Bowie City Council meets on Feb. 25



The Bowie City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Feb. 25 in council chambers.
The agenda opens with items of community interest including the presentation of a Texas Treasure Award to White’s Magento and Supply and recognition of the City of Bowie’s Tourism Friendly certification.
The city manager will report on the bid opening for phase two of the sewer line replacement project and the Downtown Revitalization grant for sidewalks on a portion of Smythe Street in downtown.
In new business the council will consider the final pay request for the Nelson Street bridge replacement project. The city has retained the funds until all the final punch list was completed and all local vendors were paid by the contractor.
Appointments will be made to the Bowie Community Development Board, hotel-motel tax board and the board of adjustment and appeals.
Two resolutions will be presented including one for membership in the Atmos Cities Steering Committee and one for submission of the grant application for the Texas Portable Radio Community Project.
The agenda wraps up with a recommendation from planning and zoning on a request from 2D Partners LP to replace four lots at 1210 Jackson creating one lot, the hotel/motel tax report and set a date for a council workshop to review water rates proposals.

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BISD extends principal contracts



Bowie School Trustees extended the contracts of all its administrators and directors following a closed session to discuss their contracts Monday night.
The agenda listed the contracts, the superintendent’s formative evaluation which was moved from last month due to absences from the board. This evaluation is the mid-year discussion where the board talks together without Superintendent Blake Enlow and then calls him in to discuss those items. No action is taken.
In the administrator contracts one-year extensions were given to all campus principals, chief financial officer, athletic director, technology coordinator, student service director and assistant superintendent. Enlow said the board spent about an hour in closed session.

Read the full story in the Thursday Bowie News.

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Grand Jury returns a slate of 54 indictments



A large slate of cases were presented to the Montague County Grand Jury in its Feb. 13 session resulting in 54 indictments being returned, including 27 that were sealed awaiting the arrest of the suspects.
The following cases were filed in the 97th District Clerk’s office.
A grand jury indictment is not evidence of guilt. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

See full slate of indictments in the Thursday Bowie News.

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