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Football season starts this week



The Bowie Jackrabbits played their final scrimmage game against Muenster last week preparing to open the season against Graham on Friday.

The Bowie Jackrabbits kick off their season playing familiar foe 4A Graham this week to give their team a big test right out of the gate.
The Jackrabbits are trying to bounce back this season after a tough year, with new coaches and systems on both sides of the ball.
The bigger Steers are coming off a 6-5 season and a playoff appearance, including a 41-22 win against Bowie last year to open the season while returning 13 of their 22 starters last year.
Coach Tyler Price will officially be leading the Jackrabbits in his first game as the head coach and thinks Graham might be one of the toughest teams on the schedule.
The Steers return a lot of skill position players while running an up-tempo offense, using a lot of run-pass-options to try and make defenses uncomfortable.
With that in mind, Price wants his team to hopefully dominate the ball control on offense, keeping the ball away from Graham while grinding away offensive possessions.

The Nocona Indians head into their first game this week against Era on the road.
The Indians go into the game confident, but some concerns on defense and with turnovers on offense being an issue in its two scrimmages means Nocona still has some stuff to iron out.
The Indians beat the Hornets last year to open the season 41-22.
Era won only one game last year so this year’s team is doing some different things.
On defense, the Hornets are using the 3-3 stack which could be used to bring more pressure along with switching up its coverage from man-to-man to more zone.
On offense, Era looks to be passing the ball more this season than in previous years, which puts more emphasis on the defensive backs and on trying to get pressure up front.

Saint Jo
The Saint Jo Panthers open the season at Trinidad this week in a game they are going into without knowing too much.
After exchanging film with the Trojans, only about 35 plays were run by Trinidad in its two scrimmages which is not a lot to get a feel for the team.
Coach Mark Stevens said the Trojans have two fast running backs, but is not worried about what his team doesn’t know.
Trinidad is coming off a 2-8 season and has the smaller team with its roster in the single-digits. Even if things are more competitive than Stevens anticipates, Saint Jo’s superior depth will give it an advantage.

The Gold-Burg Bears are heading into their opening game hoping to get some revenge.
The Bears lost to Perrin-Whitt last year 37-27 and Gold-Burg players are hoping to rectify it this season.
Gold-Burg returns all but one starter and the team is heading into the season with a lot of confidence.
Both scrimmages the team has shown good early season signs of playing well, while still having some room for improvement in other areas. Besides one starter dealing with what is hopefully a minor injury, the team is looking good healthwise.
New Coach Christian Healer thinks he’s prepared his team well for the first game, emphasizing conditioning so it will not fall in the second half of a competitive game.

The Forestburg Longhorns open their season against a private school this week.
Dallas Lake Hill is a division II private school, which is a bit bigger than the Longhorns, but Coach Greg Roller hopes it’s not too much bigger.
It was a replacement when another school backed out, which Roller was glad about since the Warriors look like they will give his team more of a challenge.
He compares them favorably, at least on defense, to defending district champion Newcastle.
On defense, Lakehill runs keeps two safeties back to prevent long pass plays while most defenses run man-to-man.

To read the full story, pick up copy of the mid-week edition of the Bowie News.

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Firecracker 5K is next week



(Courtesy photo)

The 16th Old Jo’s Firecracker 5K is coming to Saint Jo next week on July 4. Welcoming hardcore runners or those looking for a long walk, the race starts and ends at Saint Jo’s Square. You can register online at or you can go to Old Jo’s Firecracker 5K Facebook page. Participants 18 and under will cost $15 to register while those older will pay $30. This is a chip timed race on a certified 5K course for those looking to set a new personal record. The race will start at 8 a.m. After the race, for the first time there will be a Li’l Firecracker Run for kids aged six and under. The course will be much shorter as the young kids will also get a T-Shirt and medals. Registration for that event will be on site the day of the event.

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Gold-Burg’s Grace wins MVP



(Courtesy photo)

Recently graduated Gold-Burg athlete Jayon Grace got invited to play in the Texas Six-Man Coaches Association all-star football game last weekend. Playing in the division II game on the victorious west team, Grace was named the games offensive most valuable player. He scored three touchdowns and had more than 100 yards of total offense despite only touching the ball four times during the game. “It was my last guaranteed game so I had to show out a little bit,” Grace said. “It was fun to be able to see what I am capable of against some guys who can keep up.”

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JBD youth rodeo features fierce competition



The Jim Bowie Days celebration featured two nights of youth rodeo competition for aspiring competitors, some local and others from farther away.

As a part of the Jim Bowie Days celebration, the youth rodeo was on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
The first night consisted of speed events like barrel racing, pole bending and goat tying.
The second night was all about roping events which included breakaway roping, calf roping, ribbon roping and team roping.
In the barrel racing event, Blayklee Smith won the six-and-under category, Grace Laurence won the 7-10 age range, Lyndee Harsche won the 11-14 category and Hevenli Scribner won the 15-19 age division.
In the pole bending event, Ruth Ann Hutchinson won the 7-10 age category, Hadley Spence won the 11-14 age range and Hevenli Scribner again won the 15-19 division.
In the goat tying event, Ainsley Turner won the six-and-under group, Myles Turner won the 7-10 category, Rylie Marie Pollard finished first in the 11-14 division and Maddie Gaynor won the 15-19 age group.
On the second night it was all about roping events.
The only results for the 13-and-under group that was listed on the website on Friday was for the ribbon roping event which was won by Lincoln Laminick. The rest of the results were for the 14-19 age division.
In the ribbon roping event for 14-19 was won by Cade Belen.
The breakaway roping event saw Allye Stark narrowly win.
Calf roping was won by Rendon Dowledge.
Finally, the team roping first place winners went to the team of Conley Kleinhans and Bren Fenoglio.

To see full results and see pictures from both nights, pick up a copy of the weekend edition of the Bowie News.

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