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Community holiday meals readied this week, also for Turkey day



Communities, just like families, will come together for Thanksgiving with holiday meals this week, so don’t spend the day alone or without a meal.
Saint Jo and Forestburg will have their town dinners on Nov. 21, while the Nocona Senior Citizen Center also will serve its Thanksgiving feast.
In Saint Jo the meal will be served at noon in the Saint Jo Civic Center. The center board will provide the turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, bread and drinks. Guests are asked to bring their favorite side dishes whether it be vegetables, salads or desserts to complete the meal.
Food may be dropped off at the civic center that morning. This meal is free. The civic center is a 501c3 non profit corporation and donations are appreciated.
The Forestburg Community Center Club will serve up its dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 21 at the community center. The club will provide meat, dressing and drinks, while guests are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.
The Nocona Senior Citizens Center will serve up its Thanksgiving feast at noon on Nov. 21. The meal will include traditional holiday favorites. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for those 12 and under and free for those under the age of four. The center is at 400 Boston Street.
The center is already taking RSVP reservations for dine-in and take-out, call 940-825-3148. Center staff sent out their gratitude for those who donated turkeys and hams this past week after one of the center freezers went out. They have plenty of turkeys but could still use a few hams.
The center experienced a big setback earlier this week when its freezers went out destroying the turkeys and hams already stored for the dinner. Community members have been stepping up to fill the void and center officials were planning to restock this weekend.
First Methodist Church of Bowie members will once more host the Bowie community Thanksgiving Day dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Members invite you to come as you are to share a meal in fellowship hall or call for delivery or carry-out.
Delivery orders will be taken until noon on Nov. 27. Call the church office at 940-872-3384. Calling to report pick-up meals is helpful, although not necessary. There is no charge for dinner.
There also will be a free hot meal on Thanksgiving Day at First Baptist Church of Nocona from 10 -11:30 a.m. The church is located at 511 Cooke and the meal of traditional favorites will be serv

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Gold-Burg, Forestburg plays advance to bi-district



Gold-Burg and Forestburg High School’s one-act plays will advance to bi-district this week after their performance at district on March 19 in Graham.
The cast and crews will travel to Graham once more on March 27 for bi-district. There are six plays set to compete beginning around noon. Play order will be: Woodson, Gold-Burg, Irving Universal, Bryson and Forestburg.

Read the full story in the Thursday Bowie News. Top photo- Gold-Burg High one-act play crew and cast. (Courtesy photo)

Forestburg High one-act play cast and crew. (Courtesy photo)
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Spring car show this Saturday



Enjoy a spring Saturday during the the 22nd Annual Jim Bowie Car Show on March 29 in Pelham Park.
Hosted by the Piston Head Auto Club, the show features a full array of cars, trucks, jeeps and motorcycles. Vehicle registration is from 9 to 11 a.m. at the park. Registration is $25 day of the show. Show time is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pictured: The 2023 Bowie Car Show Best in Show James Wiesman. (Courtesy photo)

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Nocona Rotary celebrating 100th anniversary



Nocona Rotary Club is hosting a 100-year anniversary celebration from 4-6 p.m. on March 27 at the H.J. Justin building in downtown Nocona.
This event is free and all are welcome. There will be light refreshments at this come-and-go afternoon, but around 5 p.m. there will be a brief program and plans to take photo of all past and present Rotarians for a keepsake group photo.
Club members are conduct a prize drawing for a trip to either Branson, MO, Las Vegas, NV or Orlando, FL. First prize is a four-night lodging at a two-bedroom condo at the winner’s choice of location.
Second prize is a weekend at a waterfront cottage on Lake Nocona. Prize for a drawing ticket i $100. Proceeds will be used to finish the Blue Mound one-mile walking trail and to continue the club’s annual scholarships to high school seniors as well as the dictionaries for elementary school students.
Current Rotary members have tickets for sale, there also is a QR code on the club Facebook page. They take cash or checks.
The band The Mind’s Eye will provide acoustical music and with two former members in the band, there may be a few Rotary songs of old. It should be a fun event, and don’t miss seeing vintage photos from 1925 to 2025.

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