Nocona Library’s Summer Reading program continues at 10 a.m. on July 17 at the Justin Building at 100 Clay Street.The program will be space adventures and...
Bowie Alliance for Education and the Arts will present “Disney Aladdin Kids” for one show at 2 p.m. on Aug. 3 at Freedom Life Church, 204...
Thank you to everyone who shared their photos on our Facebook page, we got so many and were only able to use a few in the...
It’s a big day Tuesday for Bowie Library’s Summer Reading program as Smokey the Bear makes a visit to the Bowie Community Center.This year’s program theme,...
Friends of the Bowie Animal Shelter hosted an ice float fundraiser on June 28 helping local residents cool down with root beer and coke floats. Pictured...
Enter “A World of Adventure” in your library by attending the children’s summer reading program hosted by the Nocona Public Library and Friends of the Library.All...
For Montague County residents there are several great options for July 4th fireworks shows.Lighthouse Church, 2998 State Highway 59, will host its Summer Shindig at 7...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comJim Bowie Days sizzled over the weekend with family fun activities for the entire family throughout the remainder of festival week.From the opening night...
See all the results and more photos of the 58th Jim Bowie Days Celebration in this week’s Bowie News editions.
For Montague County residents there are several great options for July 4th fireworks shows.Lighthouse Assembly, 2998 State Highway 59, will host its Summer Shindig at 7...