Members of the Bowie City Council will discuss the power cost recovery factor of the electric rate, review the appraisal district budget proposal and examine an...
(Right) Trish Byars, 97th district judge, talks with the installers of ballistic shields as they began work in the courtroom this week. These panels are being...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comBowie Independent School District Superintendent Blake Enlow received a one-year extension on this three-year contract following the annual summative evaluation during the June 13...
The Texas Department of Transportation in late May conducted its virtual public hearings and began accepting public comments on the Rural Transportation Improvement Plan.TxDOT officials will...
June 20 is the first official day of summer, although most of Texas has already been sweltering.Summer begins with the solstice on at 4:51 p.m. on...
CORRECTION – In the full print edition of this story in the weekend Bowie News, there is an error in the PCRF factor being considered by...
The National Weather Service says 2024 is among the wettest year-to-date. As of May 14 it is the sixth wettest for both the Dallas-Fort Worth and...
While the Bowie City Council was focused on its planning workshop and electric power discussion this week, there were numerous other action items on the agenda.Responding...
Thanks to more than 1,800 generous contributions, Texas Farm Bureau and its Texas Panhandle Wildfire Relief Fund recently distributed more than $1.8 million to farmers and...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comKen Lindburg of Bryan Texas Utilities reviewed the City of Bowie’s transmission cost of service with council members Monday night explaining each item on...