This story is part of an ongoing IMPACT series exploring the consequences for the possible closure of Bowie Memorial Hospital could mean for the community and...
The Bowie Chamber of Commerce’s free Shred-a-Thon is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon on May 9 at Bowie Plaza parking lot. This event will allow...
With potentially severe weather in the forecast for most parts of the state, the Texas Department of Transportation reminds drivers to use caution when travelling. Weather...
North Central Texas College Bowie was closed Thursday due to massive flooding that damaged the building overnight. Campus Dean Jose DaSilva said the damage was found...
A portion of the street at Rock and Pillar was damaged during last night’s rain. Water also came into several houses in this neighborhood. City crews...
Our annual Free SHRED-A-THON is scheduled for Saturday, May 9 from 9 a.m.-noon. The Paper Pig is the shredding service provider and the event will be...
Randy Duckworth from Nocona’s VFW Post 8558 presents a new flag to Donna Culpepper, executive director of the Nocona Senior Center (The Carpenter Shop). Also in...
The Bowie Memorial Hospital Board of Directors took several major steps at last week’s board meeting to move forward in trying to solve its operational problems...
By BARBARA GREEN Back in 2007 Montague County property values topped $1 billion for the first time. It was the beginning of the energy boom stemming...
“Satisfaction-The International Rolling Stones Show,” came to Bowie last Friday night bringing their tribute show to what they call the greatest rock and roll band ever,...