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Injured water plant worker loses part of his leg



Over the weekend, Aaron Robeson, a Bowie Water Plant worker injured in a May 28 accident, underwent surgery on Sunday to amputate a portion of his left left due to extensive damage. Robeson remain in the critical care unit at John Peter Smith Hospital, but is improving reports Interim Bowie Police Chief Guy Green. Read the full story in the mid-week News. Pictured – emergency personnel work to extricate Robeson from the 15,000 gallon tank. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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Film students bring home awards



Congratulations to Nocona High School’s film team and to Lezly Sanchez of Forestburg High School as they brought home awards from the UIL Young Filmmakers Festival Wednesday.

Nocona won the gold medal for its narrative film continuing its long history of winning medals at the state finals. Rob Norman is program coordinator.

Lezly Sanchez was the 1A-3A Digital Animation State Runner Up for her film. She is a ninth grader at Forestburg School. Dana Klement is program coordinator.

Courtesy photos

Lezly Sanchez state runner-up digital animation conference AAA.
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Oct. 7 final day to register to vote



Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election.
Voters also should double check their voter registration to make sure all the information is up-to-date. Go to on the Texas Secretary of State’s website to make any address changes.
Registering to vote in Texas is easy, simply complete a voter registration application on the SOS website and return it to your county election office at least 30 days before the upcoming election date.
Fill in the required information, print and sign the complete application. At this late date it may be best to deliver the registration form in person to the election office in the courthouse annex at Montague.
Any additional information on voter registration can be seen on the county website at, click on elections. Direct any questions to the office at 894-2540.

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Saint Jo crew works all night to repair 8-inch water main



Marty Hilton and his crew with City of Saint Jo Public Works pulled an all nighter repairing an eight-inch water main break along U.S. 82 and Boggess Street. The break was reported around noon on Wednesday. City officials said one of the hardest parts was digging on U.S. 82 and when large trucks would go by the vibrations kept making the walls fall down causing them to be dug out again. The repair was completed at 10:30 a.m. Thursday and the water turned back on. The city is under a boil order until the water tests are complete, which can’t happen until Monday when the lab reopens. (Courtesy photo)

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