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Driver blinded by sun hits pole, big truck takes down lines



One thing lead to another Thursday morning as this pickup collided with a utility pole, which brought down some lines that caught on a tractor-trailer rig. The wreck occurred at 8 a.m. Thursday in the 400 block of Wise. According to the police report Caleb Cox, 18, was driving this 2004 Chevrolet pickup east on Wise in the right hand lane when he was blinded by the sunshine and struck this utility pole. (News photos by Kayla Jean Woolf)

After the truck hit the pole the lines dropped own low and were caught on this tractor-trailer rig that was in the eastbound lane on the left side. This action caused two of the wooden poles to snap off. There were no injuries, but utility repairs took most of the day in this area.
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Lady Indians take state championship



Nocona High School’s ladies basketball team defeated San Saba 54-37 to win the 2A Division 1 state championship. (Photo by Jordan Neal)

Watch for full coverage with photos and stats in your Bowie News

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Bowie City Manager’s report for Feb. 25



This is the Bowie city manager’s report for Feb. 25.
The week of March 13 will be a busy week. We have two bid openings for March 13.
The first one is for phase two of the sewer line project. This will cover new sewer lines for the following streets: Coffield, Strong, Roach, Hudspeth and the alley behind Hulme. We still have not gotten an easement for the Glen Hills lift station from the property owners, but the city attorney is working with the owners to finally get that.
The second bid opening is for the Downtown Revitalization project for a section of Smythe Street. The plans were finally approved and it was put out for bid.
Work at the substation transformer project has come to a halt. We kept having the same problems of getting the necessary components, so Electric Department Head Jay Evans sent the contractor home until all the necessary equipment was in place, and then it would be completed, which would take about a month or two, depending on when the contractor and transformer crew could come back.
Luckily, we have had very few problems with the extremely cold weather. Most of the crews are staying in and cleaning up their respective shops. The guys are looking forward to spring.

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Nelson drainage project finally closes out



The Nelson Street drainage project was officially completed with the last payment made to the contractor on a project that began more than four years ago.
While Nelson Street reopened three months ago to traffic, the contract was not closed out as MX Construction was directed to complete things on the final “punch list,” along with paying off all of the subcontractors.
On Tuesday, Mike Tibbetts of Hayter Engineering offered his recommendation to pay MX Construction.

Read the full story in the Thursday Bowie News.

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