The City of Bowie Street crew were busy pulling out some bad concrete on Patterson Street Thursday morning. (Courtesy photo)
City of Bowie officials said Thursday Lake Amon G. Carter will reopen on May 31, after almost two weeks of being closed. City Manager Bert Cunningham...
Texas offers a Free Fishing Day on the first Saturday in June every year to help kick off National Fishing and Boating Week. On this day...
Forestburg announced last week it’s hiring of Eldon Van Hooser as the new boy’s head basketball coach. A graduate from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Van Hooser...
Congratulations to Phyllis Matlock, 1211 Anetta, who was named the May Bowie News Yard of the Month winner. We appreciate all the nominations being submitted, but...
Bowie High School graduation enjoyed a beautiful spring evening for graduation ceremonies on May 24. See more photos of Bowie and the other area graduations in...
Summer time has arrived with it comes the family-friendly fun Outdoor Movie Night series beginning June 7 in downtown Bowie. Showing on the large, inflatable screen...
House Bill 2329, which allows for the dissolution of the North Montague County Water Supply District, had made it to the governor’s desk where it awaits...
6 ways to contribute to schools in your community (Family Features) In communities across the country, many cities and towns revolve around their local school districts....
(Family Features) As a parent, instilling healthy eating habits in your children at an early age can aid in proper growth and development. Eating well goes...