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Bowie woman injured in crash



An Oklahoma man faces multiple charges following a July 29 accident where he reportedly ran a stop sign and struck a Bowie woman vehicle injuring her.
The accident report recently was completed after the wreck that happened at 10:25 on July 29 at U.S. Highway 287 and Farm-to-Market 174.
Bailey Polk, 32, was driving an Infiniti east on FM 174 and James Nealey, 26, Davidson, OK, was traveling northwest on U.S. 287 in a Ford Focus. The report states Nealey ran the stop sign at the intersection of 287 exit ramp and FM 174.
The front door of the Polk car collided with the left front quarter of the Focus and came to rest facing north. The Focus came to rest facing southeast.
DPS report during the vehicle inventory a a lock-style bag containing a green substance that smelled like marijuana and a cold opened alcoholic beverage were in the passenger floorboard of the Focus. It states multiple tested were performed by Healey at the hospital with negative results for intoxication.
Both drivers were transported to the Bowie emergency room by Bowie EMS. Healey was charged with complaints of disregarding a stop sign, open container in a vehicle and possession of marijuana under two ounces. Polk’s mother reported her daughter is recovering well from her injuries.

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Nocona City Council to meet



Members of the Nocona City Council will meet at 5 p.m. in the council chambers at 102 Clay Street on March 11.
In the workshop agenda the group will review a request from the Nocona Economic Development Corporation (Type A and B) board to expend $2,500 in funs for L&M Barber and Cigar Shop signage. Other NEDC requests are participation with the B board in a grant of $15,577 to Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum for a rainwater harvesting system and both boards investing $1,00,000 in certificates of deposit at Legend Bank.
The council will consider continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee. The 2025 Public Utilities Commission cost price index increase of 2.2484 for telecommunications right-of-way rates and give direction to the city staff.
Lucky Paws volunteers will present the annual shelter report. Carl Partin will discuss the city animal control code regarding dangerous dogs.
Action on all items except the shelter report and dog code will be considered under the regular agenda.

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Bowie City Council meets on March 11



Members of the Bowie City Council will meet in regular session at 6 p.m. on March 11.
The agenda will include the following items: City manager’s report on the substation project, bid openings and the generator grant.
Consent agenda with minutes and write-offs more than 15 months delinquent.
Resolution designating signatories for documents pertaining to the Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation Resilient communities program, along with related policies and regulations.
Presentation by Library Director Beth Hiatt.
Ordinance amending water rates dated 2018.
Public comments.

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County veteran’s marker panels destroyed by wind



Tuesday night’ high winds damaged two panels in the Montague County Veteran’s monument. Several years back one panel was fallen by the wind and only returned to its place last year. Safety netting has been placed around the marker and people should avoid the area (Photo by Barbara Green)

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