Michael Hanson (left) and Ally Corwin were named the Homecoming King and Homecoming Queen, respectively, during a special ceremony on Friday night during Bellevue’s basketball games...
Light flakes of snow fall on Friday morning in downtown Bowie, marking the first appearance for the wintry precipitation during the 2016-17 season. (News photo by...
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all our customers.
Bowie High School varsity basketball players and their coaches helped the Bowie Lions Club load and sort food boxes that will be delivered to 52 families...
Shop Small event a big success in downtown Bowie Saturday. Chantel Housour hands out bags to shoppers.
By BARBARA GREEN Longtime Bowie resident the late Marvin Brashear described Second Monday Trade Days “like one big family getting together once a month.” Brashear went...
Volunteers prepare for the Bowie Community Thanksgiving Dinner at First United Methodist Church. They served 298 meals including 65 home deliveries.
Citizens attended a community health fair recently receiving various health screens such as blood pressure, along with helpful medical information. The vendors in lieu of rental...
The Main Street Christmas Festival Committee is getting ready to launch the holiday season in Bowie with the “Hanging of the Green” on Nov. 12. During...
By DANI BLACKBURN The Hospice Thrift Store was one of several casualties when Bowie Memorial Hospital closed in November. However a local businessman saw an opportunity...