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How to Bug-out when disaster strikes




You may be like me, you are the type of person that likes to be prepared. You don’t scare easy, but you like to be prepared and protect the people you love. I don’t run around worrying & scared to death about what could happen and when, however, the reality is that bad things sometimes happen. The weather we have in Texas can, and often is life threatening. You probably have plans for emergency fires and tornadoes, but have you thought of sustaining life for you and your family when you escape disaster and you have to rely on yourself to survive for more than 24 hours?

I am the type of person who loves the outdoors. I’ll take a camping trip over a trip to the mall any day, so naturally I love watching all the survival and prepping shows: discovery, history, and even the YouTube channels. Which leads me to telling you why my latest addiction to survival shows has a practical take away to it that could save your life.

Last year we had a lot of flooding, thunder storms, and tornadoes in and around the county I live in. I had been binge watching all the Bear Grylls, Dual Survivor, and Dude You’re Screwed shows. I was YouTube surfing through survival gear and tips when I came across a video with a guy who was assembling what was called a Bug-out bag. Wikipedia defines a bug-out bag as “a portable kit that normally contains the items one would require to survive for 72 hours, when evacuating from a disaster, however some kits are designed to last longer periods of time than just 72 hours. The focus is on evacuation, rather than long-term survival, distinguishing the bug-out bag from a survival kit, a boating or aviation emergency kit, or a fixed-site disaster supplies kit. The kits are also popular in the survivalism and prepper subcultures.”

Naturally, I thought to myself that really makes a lot of sense, and It’s not extreme like how you see the preppers who spend millions of dollars because they are afraid the zombie apocalypse is well on it’s way. Anyways, I thought to myself with me having a disability and with all the crazy weather in Texas, why haven’t I done this a long time ago. I put together a bug-out bag for myself and my family custom to our needs, so we would be prepared in case of an emergency. I will describe a few essential items and a few personal items that may give you some ideas to put in your bug-out bag, so in an emergency you can grab your bag an go.

First off I imagined if the “you know what” hits the fan, and a fire is racing towards our house, or something happens that requires my family and myself to evacuate immediately, what are the essential items I would need to be able to survive if it was necessary for several days. The first few things that came to my mind are our basic needs; food, water, and shelter. Then I broke it down further to what mine, and my families special needs are like medication, money for hotel, our animals food, my wheelchair charger, etc,. Many things you will already have lying around, and hopefully when you assemble your own bug-out bag you won’t have to purchase much if anything at all.

Here is a list of some things I have in my bug out bag, along with some added advice:

  • First you need to get a good sized old bag you aren’t using anymore, or you could buy one if you want.
  • Bible, this is my number one survival tool
  •  Matches
    • I like to be sure so I got the waterproof storm matches.
  • Lighter
  • Tape
    • Duct Tape or electrical
  • Flashlight
  • Batteries, and chargers for electronics
  • rope & cordage
    • para-chord bracelets are great
  • Walkie talkie or CB
  • Emergency radio
  • Water purification kit
  • Light jacket
  • Compass
  • Extra medication
  • First aid kit with mylar survival blankets
  • Cash
  • Toilet paper
  • bug spray
  • Important documents
  • Dog food for our dogs
  • Eating spork
  • Knife
  • Beef jerky, plus other assorted dry foods that will last like trail mix
    • You could also get the freeze dried meal you just add hot water to.
    • Granola, or protein bars
    • Canned veggies
    • Variety is best
  • A small blanket
  • A few water bottles
  • Soap and tooth brushes with a small shaving kit


Don’t go too crazy with too many items, remember you have to carry your bag. If you are older, you have trouble walking, you use a wheelchair, or have any sort of mobility Impairment remember to register for the Texas emergency disaster list for people with disabilities in case of an evacuation you will be prepared. Click HERE to find out more about signing up for emergency and disaster assistance for the disabled and elderly.

The chances are that you most likely won’t have to bug-out, but it could save your life if you are prepared. And the chances are even smaller that you will have to survive in the wilderness for a bug-out, but it is always better to be safe than sorry, and it is fun to assemble your bag with your family. You can also make custom bug-outs to leave in your car, vacation cabin, or wherever your heart’s desire. Stay safe, be reasonable and level headed in an emergency, your wits are your biggest tool, and don’t forget have fun assembling your own bug-out bag.

Click HERE for more resources for disaster preparedness.

Click HERE for a bug-out YouTube video.

If you can think of anything I missed comment below and let me know.


-Miles Shaffer


Dangerous fire conditions on Friday



A 🔥RED FLAG WARNING 🔥 is now in effect for ALL of North and Central Texas from 11 AM to 9 PM Friday! Take extra caution to AVOID any activities that could start wildfires! 🚫🔥 Heed all warnings and burn bans from local officials!

Montague County is under a burn ban,

⚠️There is also a High Wind Warning and Wind Advisory in effect for Friday from 7 AM to 7 PM! ⚠️ Areas of blowing dust are expected as well. Be VERY careful tomorrow especially if driving a high-profile vehicle!

High Wind Warning: gusts will frequently be in the 50 mph range with occasional gusts up to 65 mph.

Wind Advisory (parts of East and Central TX): gusts will be up to 50 mph.

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‘What’s Your Point’ review possible stone relics



Do you think a stone you picked up could be an Indian artifact?
Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum will host “What’s Your Point,” an informational event from 1-3 p.m. on March 9 to have your items reviewed by Dr. Sergio Ayala, PhD of the Gault School of Archeological Research. Cost is $10 per person and museum members are free.
Also bring in any metal artifacts found around Spanish Fort that might have been of European origin. Museum Curator Nellann McBroom said if you cannot attend bring you artifacts and leave them, then pick them up on Monday. Call the museum at 825-5330 with questions.

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Oct. 7 final day to register to vote



Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote in the Nov. 5 general election.
Voters also should double check their voter registration to make sure all the information is up-to-date. Go to on the Texas Secretary of State’s website to make any address changes.
Registering to vote in Texas is easy, simply complete a voter registration application on the SOS website and return it to your county election office at least 30 days before the upcoming election date.
Fill in the required information, print and sign the complete application. At this late date it may be best to deliver the registration form in person to the election office in the courthouse annex at Montague.
Any additional information on voter registration can be seen on the county website at, click on elections. Direct any questions to the office at 894-2540.

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