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Reaching your personal goals with a chronic illness



(BPT) – Content sponsored and provided by Pfizer.

Janet H., a wife and mother from Alabama, had many things to celebrate in her life – two beautiful children, a wonderful husband, her dog Falco, and a rewarding career. She was proud that even with all of this, she was able to achieve her personal goal of staying active. However, she was diagnosed with a chronic disease the week before her 40th birthday.

Janet enjoyed moderate exercise, so when she began to have persistent joint pain and swelling in her knees, she suspected it was from an old injury. After initial visits with an orthopedic specialist, she was referred to a rheumatologist who diagnosed her with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – a chronic, autoimmune disease of the joints.[i]

“I remember thinking that if this is what 40 is like, I don’t know if I can handle 50,” she says. “I wasn’t sure how RA would affect my life.”

Unfortunately, this story is all too common, as RA impacts approximately 1.6 million adults in the United States.[ii],[iii] Many living with a chronic condition like RA can feel that their life is put on hold while trying to manage their symptoms, doctor’s appointments, and the daily demands of life. Working toward personal goals can be put on the backburner, but does it have to be?

With her rheumatologist, Janet was motivated to find a treatment plan that could help relieve her RA symptoms before being prescribed XELJANZ® (tofacitinib) 5 mg twice daily tablets, an oral medication for adults with moderate to severe RA in which methotrexate did not work well enough. Janet’s rheumatologist reviewed the potential side effects of XELJANZ and explained that it is taken twice daily and has a BOXED WARNING for serious infections and malignancies.

Within three to six months, Janet felt improvement in her RA symptoms and found herself thinking about ways to become more active. She spoke with her rheumatologist and, together, they came up with exercise goals including yoga classes, cycling, and walking her dog with her husband and children. She also says one of her biggest milestones was walking her daughter down the aisle and gaining a new son-in-law. Eventually, Janet even worked with her rheumatologist to switch to a once-a-day version of XELJANZ, called XELJANZ XR extended release tablets.

Here are some of Janet’s tips to help someone living with a chronic illness work toward their personal goals:

Plan ahead: Living with a chronic condition can put a pause on spontaneity. Plan ahead when it comes to things like travel or big life events to allow ample time for adjustments and preparation.

Partner up: Find a significant other, friend or sibling who can join you on your journey toward reaching your goals. Sometimes living with a chronic condition requires extra support from others, so having a partner to plan with can help make that support seamless

Consult your doctor: Before considering any new travel or physical activity, make sure to consult your doctor. Discuss your plans and how you and your doctor can work together to help ensure you can meet these goals.By following these tips, Janet says that she has been able to better manage her RA and have more time to focus on her family, friends and herself.

“I hope my story can help other adults who are living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis and inspire them to share their stories,” she says.


XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR is a prescription medicine called a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor. XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR is used to treat adults with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis in which methotrexate did not work well.

It is not known if XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR is safe and effective in people with hepatitis B or C.

XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR is not recommended for people with severe liver problems.

It is not known if XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR is safe and effective in children.


What is the most important information I should know about XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR?

XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR may cause serious side effects, including:

Serious infections. XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR can lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections. Some people can have serious infections while taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, including tuberculosis (TB), and infections caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses that can spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. Your healthcare provider should test you for TB before starting and during XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR treatment, and monitor you closely for signs and symptoms of TB infection during treatment. You should not start taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR if you have any kind of infection unless your healthcare provider tells you it is okay.

You may be at a higher risk of developing shingles (herpes zoster).

Before starting XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, tell your healthcare provider if you:

think you have an infection or have symptoms of an infection, such as fever, sweating, or chills; cough; blood in phlegm; warm, red, or painful skin or sores on your body; burning when you urinate or urinating more often than normal; muscle aches; shortness of breath; weight loss; diarrhea or stomach pain; or feeling very tiredare being treated for an infectionget a lot of infections or have infections that keep coming backhave diabetes, chronic lung disease, HIV, or a weak immune system. People with these conditions have a higher chance for infectionshave TB, or have been in close contact with someone with TBlive or have lived in, or have traveled to certain parts of the country (such as the Ohio and Mississippi River valleys and the Southwest) where there is an increased chance for getting certain kinds of fungal infections (histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, or blastomycosis). These infections may happen or become more severe if you use XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR. Ask your healthcare provider if you do not know if you have lived in an area where these infections are commonhave or have had hepatitis B or CAfter starting XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, call your healthcare provider right away if you have any symptoms of an infection. XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR can make you more likely to get infections or make worse any infection that you have.

Cancer and immune system problems. XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR may increase your risk of certain cancers by changing the way your immune system works. Lymphoma and other cancers, including skin cancers, have happened in patients taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR. Tell your healthcare provider if you have ever had any type of cancer.

Some people who have taken XELJANZ with certain other medicines to prevent kidney transplant rejection have had a problem with certain white blood cells growing out of control (Epstein Barr Virus-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder).

Tears (perforation) in the stomach or intestines. Some people taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR can get tears in their stomach or intestine. This happens most often in people who also take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, or methotrexate.

Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have fever and stomach-area pain that does not go away and a change in your bowel habits.

Changes in certain lab test results. Your healthcare provider should do blood tests before you start receiving XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, and while you take XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, to check for the following side effects:

changes in lymphocyte counts. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that help the body fight off infections.low neutrophil counts. Neutrophils are white blood cells that help the body fight off infections.low red blood cell count. This may mean that you have anemia, which may make you feel weak and tired.Your healthcare provider should routinely check certain liver tests.

You should not receive XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR if your lymphocyte count, neutrophil count, or red blood cell count is too low or your liver tests are too high. Your healthcare provider may stop your XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR treatment for a period of time if needed because of changes in these blood test results.

Your healthcare provider should do blood tests to check your cholesterol levels 4-8 weeks after you start XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, and as needed after that.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR?

Before taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

have an infectionhave liver problemshave kidney problemshave any stomach area (abdominal) pain or been diagnosed with diverticulitis (inflammation in parts of the large intestine) or ulcers in your stomach or intestines, or narrowing within your digestive tracthave had a reaction to tofacitinib or any of the ingredients in XELJANZ/XELJANZ XRhave recently received or are scheduled to receive a vaccine. People taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR should not receive live vaccines but can receive non-live vaccinesplan to become pregnant or are pregnant. It is not known if XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR will harm an unborn baby. You should use effective birth control while you are taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR and for at least 4 weeks after you take your last dose.Pregnancy Registry: Pfizer has a registry for pregnant women who take XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR. The purpose of this registry is to check the health of the pregnant mother and her baby. If you are pregnant or become pregnant while taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, talk to your healthcare provider about how you can join this pregnancy registry or you may contact the registry at 1-877-311-8972 to enrollplan to breastfeed or are breastfeedingTell your healthcare provider about all of the medicines you take, especially any other medicines to treat your rheumatoid arthritis. You should not take tocilizumab (Actemra®), etanercept (Enbrel®), adalimumab (Humira®), infliximab (Remicade®), rituximab (Rituxan®), abatacept (Orencia®), anakinra (Kineret®), certolizumab pegol (Cimzia®), golimumab (Simponi®), ustekinumab (Stelara®), secukinumab (Cosentyx®), azathioprine, cyclosporine, or other immunosuppressive drugs while you are taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR. Taking XELJANZ or XELJANZ XR with these medicines may increase your risk of infection.

Tell your healthcare provider if you are taking medicines that affect the way certain liver enzymes work. Ask your healthcare provider if you are not sure if your medicine is one of these.Taking XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR

When you take XELJANZ XR, you may see something in your stool that looks like a tablet. This is the empty shell from the tablet after the medicine has been absorbed by your body.

What are other possible side effects of XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR?

XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR may cause serious side effects, including hepatitis B or C activation infection in people who carry the virus in their blood. If you are a carrier of the hepatitis B or C virus (viruses that affect the liver), the virus may become active while you use XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR. Tell your healthcare provider if you have the following symptoms of a possible hepatitis B or C infection: feel very tired, little or no appetite, clay-colored bowel movements, chills, muscle aches, skin rash, skin or eyes look yellow, vomiting, fevers, stomach discomfort, or dark urine.

Common side effects of XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR include upper respiratory tract infections (common cold, sinus infections), headache, diarrhea, and nasal congestion, sore throat, and runny nose (nasopharyngitis).

To learn more about XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, a treatment option for moderately to severely active RA, visit

Please click the direct link to the full US Prescribing Information for XELJANZ/XELJANZ XR, including BOXED WARNING and Medication Guide:

[i] National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Handout on health: rheumatoid arthritis. August 2014. Accessed December 4, 2017.

[ii] Sacks J, Lou Y, Helmick, C. Prevalence of specific types of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions in the ambulatory health care system in the United States 2001-2005. Arthritis Care Res. 2010;62(4):460-464.

[iii] Howden L, Meyer J. 2010 U.S. Census Bureau results – U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census Summary File 1.

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Explore your dream destination:Tips for a a travel adventure



(Family Features) If you find yourself dreaming of sunshine, sand and sparkling pools, it may be time to start looking forward to your next vacation getaway. Get a jumpstart on building excitement for the journey ahead by beginning preparations early, which offers many benefits, including better rates and more time to research your options.

Start exploring ideas for a fun-filled trip with these tips from the travel experts at Funjet, which specializes in providing travelers with vacation packages to hundreds of destinations around the world:

Plan Ahead
Booking your vacation well in advance allows you to take advantage of the best deals at
the most popular hotels and hottest travel dates. In addition, by being flexible with travel dates,
families can save hundreds of dollars. Moving travel dates by a day or two can result in major savings, often even more than the discounts you can get on last-minute trips.

Research Dream Destinations
Deciding where you want to go is the first step, but with a literal world of possibilities, it can be difficult to narrow down your choices. One place you can find inspiration is by exploring the top travel destinations others are choosing. For example, the top 10 travel destinations booked with Funjet in 2023 include numerous international destinations. Las Vegas is the only U.S. city to make the top 10 list. Mexico is especially popular, with Cancun, Cozumel, Puerto Vallarta and San Jose Del Cabo. Others include Belize City, Belize; Liberia, Costa Rica; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Panama City, Panama; and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Consider All-Inclusive Options
Whether you prefer adults-only or family-friendly, luxury or budget-friendly, there’s a diverse range of all-inclusive resorts to choose from. All-inclusives are known for their convenience and value. They offer hassle-free experiences with meals, drinks and often activities included. While many resorts in Mexico and the Caribbean islands are all-inclusive, be aware that smaller islands like Antigua may feature European plan-style hotels, where meals and drinks are not included.

An all-inclusive package usually encompasses a variety of activities and amenities curated to offer an enjoyable and cost-effective vacation. Within these packages, guests often have the opportunity to access amenities such as swimming pools, engage in sports activities, participate in fitness classes and other entertaining experiences.

Pack Like a Pro
Gathering everything you need for a vacation, especially with kids in tow, can be stressful. To make the process easier, organize your packing based on factors like the length of your trip, airline policies and your family’s activities. Essentials like an umbrella should not be overlooked, especially if your destination’s weather can be unpredictable. Maximize luggage space by packing travel-sized toiletries and put electronic necessities like your mobile device, charger and headphones in your carry-on bag.

Anticipate Extra Expenses
While all-inclusive resorts make tropical getaways stress-free and economical, it’s customary to express appreciation for exceptional service with tips. Resorts typically don’t require tipping, but guests commonly tip as a gesture of gratitude. When deciding to tip, families should consider modest amounts, like $1-5 per meal per person, and be mindful of different service levels as well as the convenience of using local currency. Having cash on hand makes it easier to tip as needed and ensure you have extra for souvenirs and other purchases.

Unplug and Unwind
Although most travelers believe it’s essential to stay connected, it’s a good idea to limit screen time so you can make the most of your vacation. Schedule a specific time, preferably in the morning, to address emails and online tasks then enjoy a worry-free rest of the day. While phones are often used to capture photos and videos or look up information about nearby attractions, putting away the screens means you’ll be able to enjoy the scenery, connect with loved ones and have a truly rejuvenating experience.

Protect Your Group Travel
When traveling with a group, there’s a greater chance of something happening that changes plans between when you book your trip and leave. That’s why it can be a good idea to take a “travel with confidence” approach and consider including a travel protection plan in your reservations. This insurance allows travelers to cancel their trip for any reason, if necessary. When traveling with a group, stick with nonstop flights when possible, as you’re more likely to stay together, which can mean more cost-effective travel.

Enjoy the Experiences
While spending leisure time by the resort pool with afternoon cocktails can be a relaxing reward, you can make the most of a destination vacation by also planning a tour. Many destinations offer services that can assist travelers with booking various adventures, ranging from catamaran cruises to hikes and almost everything in between.

Find more tips and plan your next adventure at or call your local travel advisor.

Where to Stay
Start planning your dream getaway by checking out these traveler-favorite destination properties, based on bookings through Funjet:

Top 10 All-Inclusive Resorts

  • Dreams Onyx Resort & Spa (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Dreams Bahia Mita Surf & Spa Resort (Nayarit, Mexico)
  • Riu Caribe (Cancun, Mexico)
  • Riu Guanacaste (Costa Rica)
  • Riu Negril (Jamaica)
  • Iberostar Grand Paraiso (Riviera Maya, Mexico)
  • Riu Cancun (Mexico)
  • Royalton Riviera Cancun, An Autograph Collection (Mexico)
  • Secrets Maroma Beach Riviera Cancun (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
  • Secrets Huatulco Resort & Spa (Oaxaca, Mexico)

Highly Rated Hotels for Groups

  • Royalton Riviera Cancun, An Autograph Collection (Mexico)
  • Dreams Playa Mujeres Golf & Spa Resort (Quintana Roo, Mexico)
  • Dreams Flora Resort & Spa (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Oasis Palm (Cancun, Mexico)
  • Hyatt Place Waikiki Beach (Honolulu, Hawaii)
  • Marival Emotions Resort & Suites (Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico)
  • Royalton Punta Cana, An Autograph Collection (Dominican Republic)
  • Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa (Oranjestad, Aruba)
  • Bahia Principe Grand La Romana (Dominican Republic)
  • Dreams Macao (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
  • Secrets Playa Blanca Costa Mujeres (Mexico)
  • Zoetry Agua Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)


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Go green with home cleaners



(Family Features) If you’re among those looking for ways to clean your home while also going green, it may be easier than you think.

Consider these easy and affordable solutions to help you live more environmentally friendly. You may be surprised to find you already have many of these household products on hand.

Baking soda: A natural, safe, effective and gentle solution, baking soda can serve multiple home cleaning needs. Make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Rub onto silver with a clean cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly and dry for shining serving or decor pieces. Additionally, you can sprinkle baking soda on upholstery and carpet to get rid of odors.

Vinegar: With the acidity to help get rid of dirt and grime around the home, vinegar can be used to clean cloudy glassware. Simply soak paper towels or a cloth in full-strength white distilled vinegar and wrap around both the inside and outside of the glass. Let sit before rinsing clean. To remove lime deposits on your tea kettle, add 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar to the water and let it sit overnight. In the morning, boil the vinegar for a few minutes then rinse with water.

Lemons: With a fresh, natural smell, lemons have the acidity to remove soap scum, clean and shine brass and remove hard water deposits. Just spray some lemon juice on tile surfaces to remove soap scum or hard water deposits. Squeeze lemon juice on a cloth and use to polish brass around the home.

Houseplants: Plants serve as natural air purifiers. African violets and ferns are beautiful ways to help clear the air.

Other easy, green ideas for keeping your home clean include opening windows and doors while you clean to improve air quality and taking off your shoes when you come inside, which can help avoid tracking dust, dirt, pollen and more throughout the house.

Visit for more eco-friendly advice.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash


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Tool to help hobbyists, professional get the job done



(Family Features) Whether you’re into woodworking, metalworking, building models or another craft or hobby, the right tools allow you to work faster, easier and smarter.

A capable and versatile project partner, the IQ Vise System by Work IQ Tools is a problem-solving bench vise system that is transforming the way DIYers, craftsmen, hobbyists, makers and pros get the job done. It features a ball and socket design that articulates and rotates 360 degrees for optimal work positioning while complementing task-specific jaw sleeves are crafted to create the perfect grip for an extensive range of shapes and materials.

Plus, with four ports built directly into the vise, you can attach the plug-and-play workshop accessories including the IQ Connect Work Light, Magnifying Glass and Cell Phone Holder directly to the vise or take them where you need them around your workspace.

With three mounts – a bench mount to screw directly into your workbench or stud wall, a magnetic mount that can attach to any metal surface and a clamp mount that functions like a common c-clamp for quick and temporary mounting to any surface edge 2 1/4 inches or under – it’s like having an extra set of hands to help tackle whatever project you’re taking on.

Find more tools to help you work smarter at


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