Many government and business offices will be closed this week for the Thanksgiving holiday.The Bowie News will be closed Thursday and Friday, as will the city...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comThe Bowie City Council welcomed three newly-elected members Tuesday night and the panel had its annual council orientation of duties presented by the city...
By BARBARA Trustees of the Bowie Independent School District welcomed one new member this week following the Nov. 5 election and accepted the 2023-24 outside...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comInformation was the watchword for the second hospital/emergency room community meeting Tuesday night, as the steering committee was announced along with additional financial considerations.About...
The following indictments were filed with the 97th District Clerk following the November session of the Montague County Grand Jury.There were a total of 13 indictments...
Ready, set, shop! Inside your mid-week Bowie News find the annual holiday shopping guide to help you plan all your Black Friday and other shopping opportunities.
The Bowie News will have an early deadline for its Nov. 30 edition due to the Thanksgiving holiday.All news and advertising must be turned in by...
The second community meeting on needs for an emergency room or hospital in Bowie is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Nov. 19 at the Bowie Community...
The Bowie City Council has moved its Nov. 18 meeting to 6 p.m. on Nov. 19 where three new council members will take the oath of...