Bowie Independent School District Trustees will meet at 5 p.m. on Aug. 21.Superintendent Blake Enlow will provide an update on enrollment, along with the status of...
As the first day of school gets ever nearer, let The Bowie News school supply lists help guide your shopping.See the area school shopping lists on...
Trustees of the Bowie Independent School District will handle numerous topics to get ready for the new school year when they meet at 5:30 p.m. on...
Bowie school trustees began the arduous task of creating a 2024-25 budget during a lengthy workshop this week.The board also reviewed some possible changes in the...
As the Bowie School District launches into its summer projects, several department heads offered their year-end reports to the trustees last Thursday.Annual reportsWayne Walker, support services...
Bowie High School’s Mighty Marching Maroon Band will host a fundraiser paint party from 6-8 p.m. on June 18 in the high school cafeteria.Cost is $30...
Five Montague County high schools will conclude their year with graduation ceremonies this week including Bowie, Forestburg, Gold-Burg, Nocona and Saint Jo.Saint Jo graduates on May...
The Nocona High School barbecue teams competed at the state contest last week with the top 91 teams and it was a tie-break tri-tip cook that...
Bowie Independent School District will be participating in the no-cost summer meal program for children.In Bowie the summer meal program will be offered at the high...