Saint Jo alderpersons on Wednesday officially named Tyler Roy as the interim police chief, replacing Tony Tamayo who resigned last week. Roy was originally approved as...
Friday was filled with Jim Bowie Days fun for all ages. During the afternoon the Kid’s Pet Parade got underway along with the every-popular turtle races...
Russell Staley, the driver of a semi-truck that struck an North Central Texas College softball team bus last September, will face four counts of first-degree manslaughter....
SATURDAY, JUNE 27 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.- Indian Artifacts Show, City of Bowie Community Room 10 a.m. – Jim Bowie Days Parade 10 a.m. –...
May’s heavy rains may have delayed the Montague County Relay for Life, but teams are ready to walk on June 27 at the Harley Sewell Football...
The Bowie News won several top awards in the 2015 Texas Press Association Better Newspaper contest presented last week at the annual summer conference. The News...
The new school year in Bowie School District will ring in with departures and reassignment of several longtime staff members. During executive session with the board...
By BARBARA GREEN Several costly budget proposals including a plan to resolve ongoing radio repeater problems for all the county fire departments were debated by the...
Continuity continues to be an issue for the Saint Jo Police Department. Tony Tamayo tendered his resignation as Saint Jo’s police chief on Friday afternoon. Saint...
Last week’s storms, piled on top of damage from May’s storms, continue to plague Montague County roads. This photo shows a washout along Dye Mound Road....