On this day in 1988, Roseanne, a television sitcom about a blue-collar American family starring the comedienne Roseanne Barr, premieres on ABC. The show was considered groundbreaking for its...
On this day in 1931, gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion and fined $80,000, signaling the downfall of one of the...
District Attorney Casey Polhemus reports that Defendant Ricky Dale Howard was indicted on Oct. 16, 2018 for one count of first degree felony indecency with a...
Special teams push started No. 12 Midwestern State University before the electric Juwan Johnson pushed the Mustangs into overdrive catching four touchdown passes in a 69-14...
The Montague Lady Eagles traveled to Wichita Christian Thursday to beat the Mustangs 21-25, 25-20, 15-13 in a very tough match up. Outstanding stats include Kate...
In the final meet of the 2018 season, the Bowie High School junior varsity cross country teams saw three girls and nine boys finish in the...
The Bowie Junior High seventh and eighth grade volleyball teams made a clean sweep at home against City View on Oct. 11. The 8A team dominated...
Nocona The Nocona Lady Indians were outlasted by Henrietta in the second round of district in a tight five-set match on Saturday by 25-27, 25-16, 25-14,...
Nocona It was a game the Nocona Indians needed to win after coming off a triple overtime heartbreak against Henrietta the previous week. It took two...
The Bowie Lady Rabbits won their second straight game on the road Saturday at Childress. Coming off a brilliantly played four set win against fourth place...