The Bowie Jackrabbits hoped they could avenge the lone district loss at home against Holliday. Despite the Jackrabbits leading for half the game, two explosive innings...
On this day in the 2002, ABC airs the 10,000th episode of the daytime drama General Hospital, the network’s longest-running soap opera and the longest-running program ever...
(Family Features) Crafting quick, easy, nutritious meals is one of the most common goals for home chefs, yet it may sometimes be difficult to keep the...
The Friends of the Bowie Public Library presented its annual spring luncheon event this past Saturday. (Left) Lynda Brite was recognized as the Friend of the...
The public is invited to attend the annual Art Gallery and Exhibition featuring the artwork of second and third graders at Bowie Elementary School from 8:30...
Bowie Independent has found its person to take over the girl’s basketball program, Joe Crabb from Garden City at the Monday morning school board meeting. With...
(Family Features) While spring naturally means it’s time for a refresh for many homeowners, it doesn’t mean you’re limited only to a cleaning party. Take advantage...
Beautify Our Bowie, the new beautification committee in the community invites you to be part of its first “Community Clean-Up Day” on April 27. Citizens and...
9 tips to maintain eye health (Family Features) When considering making changes to positively impact your well-being, many aspects of health may jump to the forefront,...
Christie Walker, assistant superintendent, will serve as interim superintendent after Steven Monkres retires effective April 16. The Bowie Independent School District Board of Trustees made that...