Along with Saint Jo Independent School District renovating its campus this year, the Panthers also upgraded the baseball field.Athletic Director Mark Stevens said the company doing...
Trustees of the Bowie Independent School District will meet at 5:30 p.m. on April 20 for its regular meeting.In information and discussion, Superintendent Blake Enlow will...
By BARBARA GREENeditor@bowienewsonline.comThe City of Bowie accepted an unqualified audit for its fiscal year 2018-19 during this week’s meeting, along with hearing a report on economic...
The Bowie Public Library will begin offering zero contact pick-up on April 20.Pick-up times will be 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday-Friday. Library Director Beth Hiatt...
City of Bowie electric crews installed the control panel and ultraviolet modules for the new UV system at the wastewater plant. This unit replaces the original...
The Region B Water Planning Group will conduct a public hearing via teleconference at 6 p.m. on April 22 in Wichita Falls to receive verbal comments...
School may be out, but Montague Independent School District invites you to take part in a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on April...
With school closed right after spring break the Bowie Intermediate School did not have a chance to celebrate earning its Level 2 certification in Marzano High...
President Donald Trump on Thursday presented a three-phase plan to reopen America again, but it the decisions on how states proceed with those guidelines will remain...
April 25-27 has been set as sales tax holiday for emergency supplies in the State of Texas.As the nation continues to shelter in place because of...