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Two years ago Aaron Robeson went to work at the City of Bowie Water Plant just like it was any other day.
He had no idea his life would drastically change that day as he would almost lose his life and lose his left leg just above the knee.
The young man’s life has taken many turns since that spring day, but he has adjusted to his new life putting one foot in front of the other each day.

Robeson began working for the city during August 2012 in the water distribution department. One year later he moved to the water plant. He had been at the plant about nine months before the accident occurred that almost took his life.
The 911 call to the water plant came in at 2 p.m. on May 28, 2014 stating a worker was trapped inside a fiberglass tank. Robeson was trapped up hundreds of pounds of debris similar to concrete that had fallen off the bottom of the tank and he was trapped. It took emergency personnel just over 20 minutes to extricate him and he was airlifted to John Peter Smith Hospital with life-threatening injuries. Four days later his left leg was amputated just above the knee a complication from his multitude of injuries.

Read the full feature on Aaron Robeson in the mid-week News.

Aaron Robeson stands with his youngest daughter, Lacie, age three as she plays with a soccer ball. (Photo by Barbara Green)

Aaron Robeson stands with his youngest daughter, Lacie, age three as she plays with a soccer ball. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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Bowie, Nocona libraries wrap up summer reading this week



Local libraries wrap up their children’s summer reading programs this week.
The Bowie Public Library brings the popular Creature Teacher with all their spectacular animals for the final event on July 23 at the Bowie Community Center.
The program begins at 10 am. The children also will receive their prize books for their summer logs.
The Nocona Public Library ends its program at 10 a.m. on July 24 at the H.J. Justin Building at 100 Clay Street. The program will be “Our Own Action Heroes -” Nocona fire, police and EMTs.

Top photo – Smokey Bear visiting Bowie last week at summer reading.

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Color added to outside kennels at Bowie Animal Shelter



Rachel and Roger Whitaker gave this metal storage container a fresh look with this colorful mural at the Bowie Animal Shelter. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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Youngsters attend swimming lessons this week



Swim lessons for youngsters of all ages were conducted the past two weeks at the city pool. It was a good place to be during this summer heat. See more photos in the weekend News. (Photos by Barbara Green)

This young man jumps off into the deep end off the diving board as his lifeguard instructor watches.
Learning to float is a good start.
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