The annual update on the AgriLife Extension Service was presented to the Montague County Commissioner’s Court Monday, and recognition plaques were presented to a pair of...
Main Street Bowie volunteers will pull up their shirt sleeves as they take part in the annual Shine-Up Day this Saturday. At 9:30 a.m. on April...
Come take a Whirl to win at the annual Bowie Band Cake Spin starting at 6 p.m. on April 18 at the Bowie High School Cafeteria....
Springtime in Texas is known for the beautiful wildflowers that blanket the fields and roadsides across the state, including the state flower, the Bluebonnet. In your...
Prairie Valley track team did a great job at the Muenster Hornets track meet on April 3, 2015. (top) The girls 400 meter relay team Paxton...
Stephanie Musquiz’s and Heather South’s kindergarten classes at Nocona Elementary. The students planted bean seeds to go with a plant/seed unit that they have been studying.
Bowie Elementary Brittainy Holland’s First Grade Class Bowie first grade worked on the vowel diagraph /u/ which makes the /oo/ sound like in the word look....
Saint Jo PAWS winners for the week of April 10 were Kandice Fullerton, Cara Vogel, Cassidy Erwin, Tara Wolf, Johnathan Applegate, Zayne Edwards, Hagen Walser, Maxey...
The Gold-Burg High School one-act play, “The Women of Lockerbie,” advanced out of bi-district competition last Saturday and will compete at area. Read the full story...
Saint Jo School students formed an impromptu welcoming line complete with American flags along the streets of the city late Friday afternoon as a motorcade of...