By Roger Cade Hamilton, eighth grader at BJH This week the eighth grade students began reading “Flowers for Algernon,” a story about a mentally handicapped man...
Jennifer Hendrix’s third grade Forestburg elementary students went to their local post office on Sept. 11. The class learned how to mail packages to their pen...
Trustees from the Montague County Jail were busy this week helping put out rip-rap rock along a portion of the courthouse lawn above the retaining wall....
Bowie’s first town hall meeting in many years saw nearly 100 people attending as Mayor Larry Slack touched on everything from electric power alternatives to possible...
The Bowie Chamber of Commerce is calling all grillmasters to take part in the first Battle of the BBQ – A Backyard Cookoff on Sept. 26....
With one lone dissenting vote, the Bowie City Council Tuesday adopted the 2015 tax rate of .4945 cents per $100 in property value. This rate is...
Montague County will operate with a 2015-16 budget totaling $9,650,032 and with a tax rate of .4154 cents per $100 in property value. The commissioner’s court...
Montague County Sheriff Paul Cunningham reports an Internal Revenue Service phone scam has made its way into the county. In this scam, callers threaten residents with...
Create some SUPER FAN family fun this fall football season. Read all about in the American Profile.
Bowie Alliance for Education and the Arts will conduct the 2015 Art Exhibit at this year’s Chicken and Bread Days Heritage Festival at the Bowie Community...