Bridget Jones’s Baby Starring Renèe Zellwegger, Colin Firth & Patrick Dempsey Directed by Sharon Maguire Rated R In theaters Sept. 16, 2016 “How in the hell...
On this day in 1947, President Harry Truman (1884-1972) makes the first-ever televised presidential address from the White House, asking Americans to cut back on their...
The Bowie Chamber of Commerce will have its annual dinner and auction fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 in the Bowie Community Center. This year’s...
The Nocona Indians are ready to celebrate their triennial homecoming, with events planned throughout the weekend. Honor classes for this year’s events include 1964, 1965 and...
District 68 State Representative Drew Springer (R-Muenster) will present town hall forums in Montague County on Oct. 10 in all three incorporated cities. The first will...
One of Bowie’s most popular festivals, Chicken and Bread Days Heritage Festival filled downtown with a huge crowd Saturday for all the activities. The festival, created...
Stevie Carroll, 2016 homecoming king at Forestburg High School, places the crown of the head of the new queen Haley Nolan during ceremonies last Friday night....
Principal Lisa Sadler reported Prairie Valley Independent School District received the post-secondary readiness distinction for the 2015-2016 school year during an Aug. 30 school board meeting....
With the school bond election on Nov. 8 quickly approaching, Nocona Independent School District officials had the first of three public information meetings last week. More...