The Montague junior high football team opened their season on Thursday against Victory Christian in Decatur. The Eagles were impressive in their first outing, winning by...
Bowie The Bowie Lady Rabbits hosted a tough Aubrey team on Friday. After two straight wins against easier competition, the Lady Rabbits lost to the Chaparrals...
Nocona The Nocona Indians had a happy homecoming as they blew out Ponder for their second win. The Indians won 50-22 in a game they never...
Bowie Independent School District Trustees revisited the implementation of a facilities services and long-range planning program on Monday night. Jeff Clemmons, director of facility services with...
The Bowie Rural Fire Department conducted a successful 2019 fish fry and concert fund-raiser on Saturday at the Bowie Community Center, but the night ended on...
Fidel Castro arrives in New York City as the head of the Cuban delegation to the United Nations. Castro’s visit stirred indignation and admiration from various sectors of American...
5 Basic Steps for Sizzling Steak ( A sizzling steak is a surefire sound of summer, and the flavors achieved from one that’s perfectly grilled are...
(Family Features) This time of year, family life can get a little messy. School schedules and sports activities mix with work commitments, and before long the...
5 self-care tips to improve your well-being (Family Features) Between hectic schedules, ever-growing to-do lists and caring for others, it can be easy to put self-care...
The Bowie Jackrabbits almost came away with their first win on Friday for homecoming against Henrietta. The Jackrabbits led for most of the game, but a...