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Protecting your pets during the high heat



The summer heat can be stifling for both dogs and humans! And when we lose power, it is not only stressful on our own bodies but on our dogs’ as well. There are a few steps you can take to keep both you and your dog cool in extreme heat.

Most Dogs Aren’t Built for Heat

Most breeds are built to conserve rather than dissipate heat. They don’t have sweat glands, and most of their body is wrapped in fur with little or no exposed skin; they lose heat through the pads of their feet and through their mouths by panting. Some breeds need special consideration For example, white or fine-coated breeds, like Bull Terriers and Greyhounds are especially vulnerable to sunburn, while the black coat of dogs like the Schipperke absorbs heat, adding to the danger of overheating and heat stroke.

Keep Water Available

  • Let your dog drink as much water as possible
  • If you have a working freezer, make cold treats, like frozen chew toys or dog-safe ice pops

How to Help a Dog Cool Down

Along with plenty of cool water, the most important thing to do to keep a dog cool is to stay indoors or in the shade. If your air conditioning turns off an extra-hot day, go to the coolest area of the house you can, such as the basement. If possible, stay at a friend’s house until your air conditioning is restored. There are other ways you can relieve your dog from the heat by having dog cooling supplies on hand in advance:

  • Battery-operated fan.
  • Cool cloths, which are made of chamois material, like those used to dry cars at a car wash. Put a moist chamois on your dog’s back without getting him too wet, take it off, and present him to the judge, who probably will only feel a tiny bit of dampness when going over the dog. If you keep your cool cloth in a cooler, don’t put it directly into the ice. You don’t want to put anything ice-cold onto a dog, because that shrinks the blood vessels and actually generates more internal heat.
  • Cooling vest, which deflects the heat and cools the dog through evaporation.
  • Cooling crate pad or a cold, wet towel that you can spread out for your dog to lie on. You can also have him stand on a damp towel to help the footpads release heat.
  • Rubbing alcohol which you can dab behind your dog’s ears, on his stomach, or on his paws. Rubbing alcohol cools faster than water and can draw out heat.
  • Spray bottle filled with cool water. Spray his underside that’s not exposed to the hot sun (such as the groin area, where the hair is less dense), the bottoms of his feet, and inside his mouth.
  • Rectal thermometer with lubricant. Your dog’s temperature shouldn’t rise above 102.5, which is the high end of normal.
  • Unflavored pediatric electrolyte solution for the dog to drink if he gets dehydrated.
Golden Retriever puppy getting a bath at home.

The Signs of Heatstroke

In spite of your best efforts, your dog could develop heatstroke. Here are the symptoms:

  • Unusual breathing (rapid and loud).
  • High rectal temperature (103 or higher).
  • Extreme thirst.
  • Weakness and/or fatigue.
  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Disorientation.
  • Dark or bright red tongue and gums.
  • Skin around the muzzle or neck doesn’t snap back when pinched (dehydration).
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Thick saliva.
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Heavy drooling
  • Agitation

If you suspect that your dog is overheated, immediately take him to a cooler area or to the vet. Once in a cool room, separate his fur with your fingers so the cool air can penetrate to the skin.

To cool your dog down as quickly as possible, pour cool water over his head and body, or gently hose a very gentle stream of cool water over him, or, where possible, submerge him in a tub of cool water.

Even if your dog seems stable, it’s a good idea to take him to the nearest vet for evaluation and treatment if necessary.

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Youth fair juggles schedule, but goes forward despite snow



It has been quite a busy few days at the Montague County Youth Fair with schedule changes, juggling of events and trying to cope with the unexpected snow storm. However, the youth fair always rolls on thanks to the dedicated volunteers, coordinators, parents and students.

Friday the rabbit how starts at 10 a.m., with heifer and steer show at 2 p.m. Ag. mech. check-in at 6 p.m. with that show at 9 a.m. on Saturday. Swine will move into the barn later today with its show at 9 a.m. Saturday.

Saturday the home economics silent auction will start at 6 p.m. and run to 9 p.m. in the show barn. Showmanship buckles will be presented at 6 p.m. in the barn followed by leadership day awards. The premium sale is at 6:30 p.m. Make plans to come out and support these hard working kids and families.

See all the winners in the Thursday Bowie News.

Top photo – Poultry show photo taken by Rashonda Hobbs of Unfazed Creations, official photographer for the youth fair. Make sure and check out her photos.

Youngsters took part in the All Together Show, as 4-H, FFA, FCCLA and other fair youth walked with special needs youngsters into the show ring with their animals. (Photo by Jennifer Gaston)
Sheep show in the ring on Thursday. (Photo by Cynthia Hawkins)
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New school closures posted for Friday



Prairie Valley ISD will be closed Friday

NCTC campuses closed Friday

Forestburg ISD closed Thursday and Friday for youth fair

Bellevue School will be closed Friday

We will update as they are posted or brought to our attention

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Tackling biscuits and dumplings; columnist says love, luck needed in any recipe



When we were going through my grandmother’s house in Nocona after it sold, I found a few neat keepsakes, but the biggest treasure I thought I had found was her biscuit cutter. I was so excited to show my mother (her daughter) and just knew she would be happy it was found and would still be used after all this time.
My mother, however, had a different thought about my precious biscuit cutter. She said, “Suzanne, you know that biscuit cutter is just an old tomato paste can that has both ends cut out.”
I was still no less delighted with my cutter. I continue to use it today. My husband has bought me vintage, new and fancier cutters, but this cutter is something I go back to time and again.
My Memaw was recruited to be a lunch lady from 1952 to 1958 at Nocona Elementary, back when lunches were cooked, not “fixed.” Lenora Brown Burnett was an excellent cook and everyone knew it. She went on to work at the Nocona Major Clinic kitchen from 1958 to 1969.
You could only use shortcuts if you knew how to do it the long way. That is how I still approach cooking. You can only use a cake mix if you know how to make a cake with lots of ingredients, time and effort.

Read Suzanne’s Love & Luck column in the Thursday Bowie News on the On the Table page.

Top photo – Grandmother’s biscuit cutter and hand written recipes. (Photo by Suzanne Storey)

Suzanne Storey
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