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MCCC selected as Jim Bowie Days grand marshal



Joe Caballero

Joe Caballero, pastor of the Montague County Cowboy Church, has been selected as the Jim Bowie Day’s Parade Grand Marshal. He and his wife Angela have two children, Ethan and Riley.
The couple moved to Sunset in 2001 and he joined MCCC in 2007. In 2008 he was made associate pastor under Walter Haynie. When Haynie retired in 2010 Caballero became pastor of the cowboy church.
Caballero reflects on a varied past career where he worked as a design engineer for some of the biggest companies in the United States.
He helped design and manufacture automobiles, busses, heavy equipment and some of the most sophisticated aircraft in the aerospace industry. Caballero also has worked as a cowboy for ranches in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.
When asked about his accomplishments for this story, Caballero humbly says he has not accomplished or achieved anything worth talking about. However, he is quick to talk about his faith and that path he has taken.
“Accomplishment: If I have ever put a smile on someone’s face, brought joy to their hearts, encourage, a sense of peace, help resort their faith, if I have helped someone through a tough time, if I had the chance to introduce someone to Jesus, then I have accomplished something,” he said.
Caballero added he loves people and being involved in community outreach making people smile, laugh and being of service to others.

Read more about Jim Bowie Days in the weekend Bowie News.

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Carpenter Shop dining room closing Wednesday, Thursday



Officials with the Carpenter Shop (Nocona Senior Citizens Center) have announced the dining room will be closed today, Wednesday (2/19) and Thursday (2/20) due to possible bad winter weather.

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Saint Jo City Council reschedules its February meeting



After cancelling its meeting due to illness earlier this month, the Saint Jo City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on Feb. 19 at city hall.

Agenda items are:

  1. Consider resolution to allow the Saint Jo Riding Club to access city-owned property adjacent to the rodeo arena to be used for parking for club-hosted events.
  2. Discuss request from Dennis Elmore about 5.87 acres on West Howell to build on lots 6 and 7.
  3. Discuss and act on updated ordinance from the workshop conducted on Jan. 22.
  4. Approve minutes and bills, along with printed reports.
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Father/daughter dance welcomes big crowd



Freedom Life Church and its sponsors hosted the annual Father/Daughter Dance in Bowie. There was a packed house of family members for the annual event as they enjoyed a deejay, dancing, food and fun. Watch for more photos in your Thursday Bowie News. (News photo by Barbara Green)

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