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Bowie High School senior Reuven Raper-Ostrow wrote an English essay last October exploring homelessness in education. He asked the reader to imagine if you went through high school not knowing where you were going to sleep? How would you react? Would you stay in school or drop out? Would you turn to drugs or crime?
Reuven was about to start his senior year last summer when he found himself homeless after a confrontation with his father. He was alone and the choices loomed large.
Friday night this 17-year-old graduate grabs that hard-fought-for diploma and walks toward his future with pride and determination.
It has been a difficult and trying path for this senior, but to understand how he overcame the many obstacles to graduate Reuven shares his story.
While the idea of a teen being homeless may seem strange, it is more common than one may think. A recent study has shown one in 30 students ages 13 to 17 have experienced homelessness in the past year. That figure represents about 700,000 young people nationwide.
Homelessness evokes a vision of people living on the street or in a shelter, but it takes many other forms. The government defines it as “those who lack a fixed regular and adequate nighttime residence.”
When this happens to students it can cause stress and anxiety to the already pressure-filled world of high school. Instead of focusing on good grades and future planning, these students often worry about the basic necessities such as food, clothing and shelter. They can often fall through the cracks of society.

Read the full feature in your weekend Bowie News.

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Burger fundraiser to assist Advanced staff member’s family



The staff of Advanced Rehabilitation will conduct a hamburger lunch fundraiser to assist one of its staff members whose child is undergoing serious medical issues.
From noon to sell-out on July 19 hamburgers will be prepared in the front lobby of the home. The goal is to sell 100 burgers with a $10 meal deal of a burger, chips and a drink.
Call Cynthia at 940-366-4960 for pre-orders or Tiffany for delivery at 940-255-0402.
The fundraiser is for Tori Mullins, whose daughter, Bryleigh Gresham, age three, has been undergoing treatment for leukemia at Cook Children’s Medical Center. Tori has had to be off work to travel to Cook’s for the treatments.

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It’s here the 2024 Montague County Guide



Inside your weekend Bowie News find the award-winning visitor’s and newcomer’s guide. There are unique features about this area along with all the resources you may need to set up housekeeping or explore something new.

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Summer Olympics this week’s summer reading theme



Bowie Public Library’s Summer Reading program continues on July 16 with the Olympics.
It will be all about the upcoming Summer Olympics with outdoor games at the soccer field. Summer reading wraps up with the popular Creature Teacher on July 23 who brings lots of animals to the kids to see up close.
Any questions about summer reading can be directed to the library staff by calling 872-2681 or follow their Facebook page.
Summer reading is open to children ages 0-12. Keep a summer reading log and earn a book.

Top photo – This past Tuesday, the library staff visits with Smokey the Bear and a member of the Forest Service at summer reading. (Photo by Barbara Green)

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