The popular History Channel show, “American Pickers,” is making a return to Texas this fall and invites interesting characters with interesting stuff to contact them for...
The Montague County Sheriff’s office presents National Night Out from 6-9 p.m. Oct. 6 on the courthouse square near the sheriff’s office.National Night Out is an...
Voters in Texas Senate District 30 will go to the polls on Sept. 29 to select a person to fill the seat vacated by Pat Fallon...
Little Texas performed a concert in Bowie last Saturday night entertaining an enthusiastic crowd that clamored for their popular hits from the 1990s and enjoyed the...
As the seasons change it sparks ideas to fix up your home or yard for fall or get ready for winter. Read the special section in...
Help decorate the Bowie area for Chicken and Bread Days by creating a unique scarecrow for your business or office.The contest is part of the Scarecrow...
Those who are not registered to vote have less than two weeks left in which to be ready for the Nov. 3 presidential election.Montague County Elections...
At 2 p.m. on Sept. 26 the Montague County Historical Commission and the Historical Preservation Cemetery Board will host a “Talking Tombstone Tour” featuring the Ringgold...
It is time to mark our heritage with the 25th Annual Chicken and Bread Days Heritage Festival downtown on the brick streets of Bowie.Why chicken and...