September 11, 2001, was a tragic day in American history. On that day, nearly 3,000 innocent lives were lost due to the terrorist attacks in New...
Due to the weather, today’s Bowie Homecoming Parade has been cancelled. The bonfire scheduled for tonight has been postponed until after Friday night’s game.
Childhood experiences, both positive and negative have a tremendous impact on a child’s future. Montague County continues to suffer from a high rate of child abuse...
Start your day with “wake-up” worthy flavors. See all the new recipes in Relish, available in today’s Bowie News.
Bowie High School celebrates its 2020 homecoming with the traditional parade, bonfire and football game this week.The Jackrabbit Booster Club has set the theme for the...
Sept. 11, 2001, was a tragic day in American history. On that day, nearly 3,000 innocent lives were lost due to the terrorist attacks in New...
While Bowie High School postponed its every five-year homecoming celebration until 2021, there will still be festivities next week.The theme will be “Stand Together,” honoring law...
Cory Fitzner, 1996 graduate of Bowie High School, received two national honors this week as he and his radio show in Seattle were nominated for Country...
The Chisholm Trail Art Association will be heading to the Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum in Nocona on Sept. 10.CTAA will be touring the new Western Heritage...
Those who are not registered to vote have one month left in which to be ready for the November general elections.Montague County Elections Administrator Ginger Wall...